

作者:江淑琳 引用關係
作者(外文):Chiang, Shu-lin
主題關鍵詞:共同生產製作行動者網絡理論相互形塑科學與科技研究傳播研究Co-productionActor network theoryMutual shapingScience and technology studiesCommunication studies
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本文試著整合傳播研究及科學與科技研究(Science and Technology Studies, STS)兩個領域,以物質性概念為切入角度,透過爬梳「科技」或說「新傳播科技」在傳播研究與STS中被置放的角色,強調在新聞研究中,科技的角色應該更被看見,而非只是作為新聞研究個案的背景。本文並援用STS中的行動者網絡理論(Actor Network Theory, ANT)以及「相互形塑」(social shaping)與「相互合作生產」(co-production)的概念,提供初步訪談資料,試著思考當今不斷流動與片斷化的數位新聞生產之可能研究取徑。
This article tries to integrate two research fields of Communication Studies, Science and Technology Studies (STS), drawing upon the idea of materiality. With investigating the roles of "technology" and "new communication technologies" embedded in the Communication Studies and Actor Network Theory (ANT), it reminds us of technology being visible, instead of being taken as background of news case-study. This research adopts the ideas from ANT, social shaping as well as co-production in STS to analyze the preliminary empirical data collected from personal in-depth interviews. It provides a further thinking of a possible approach to materiality of instant news production.
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