

作者(外文):Chiang, Kuei-chen
主題關鍵詞:河南木版年畫朱仙鎮滑縣巫術文化記憶Henanwoodblock printsZhuxian TownshipHua CountyMagicCultural memory
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The Zhuxian Township in Kaifeng and the Hua County in Anyang are both important places of production for the New Year woodblock prints in Henan. The former type, evolved from the Song Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, is characterized by its replete composition, exaggerated proportion, rough-hewn lines, and opulent colors. The latter type, forged in the geographic center of Chinese history and agricultural civilization, is characterized by primitive forms and agricultural themes. This paper addresses the culturality of New Year woodblock prints from Henan, focusing on the magic characters of the Zhuxian prints and on the transmission of cultural memory and the construction of collective consciousness in the Hua prints. The paper also reflects on the“objectivity”of the Hua woodblock prints, describing how these images, through the practice of deity painting and ancestor worship, construct an imagination of family, deity, and ancestor and a culturality of time, space, and universe.
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