

作者:卓國雄 引用關係
作者(外文):Cho, Kuo-hsiung
主題關鍵詞:學童選手自我設限害怕失敗Children playerSelf-handicappingFear of failure
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緒論:鑒於國內缺乏探究國小學童選手運動自我設限之測量工具,本研究目的旨在以心理計量分析驗證修訂版的學童運動自我設限量表之建構效度及效標關聯效度。 方法:本研究分為二個次研究,研究一以412位學童運動選手為研究對象並隨機分成二組各為206位受試的獨立樣本,第一組樣本進行項目分析及探索性,研究二則以第二組參與者進行驗證性因素分析,最後再以412位樣本考驗效標關聯效度。 結果:經項目分析及探索性因素分析保留「辯解因素」的單因素七個題項,接著再以驗證性因素分析考驗假設性測量模式,結構方程模式分析顯示GFI = .92、RMSEA = .04、CFI=0.98、NNFI = .98六題單因素模式具有良好的建構效度;相關分析支持本量表的效標關聯效度,效標變項與自我設限構念呈顯著正相關 (r = .41, p < .001)。 結論:單因素運動自我設限測量模式較適配國小學童選手之實徵觀察樣本,適合國內研究國小運動選手自我設限議題之測量工具。未來研究應進一步驗證其是否具有跨性別或年級之測量恆等性效度。
INTRODUCTION: Owing to the lack of measurement about sport self-handicapping for the children player in Taiwan. So, the present study was to examine the construct validity and criterion-related validity of the revised Children Sport Self-handicapping Scale (CSSHS) by psychometric analysis (e.g., item analysis, EFA, CFA and criterion-related validity). METHODS: This study included two independent samples who sampled randomly from 412 elementary players. The two different samples had to administer CSSHS and Athletic Performance Failure Appraisal Inventory. The first 206 elementary players participated in study1. Item analysis and exploratory factor analysis were conducted to examine the factor structure of CSSHS. In study2, confirmatory factor analysis and correlation analysis were conducted with the second 206 subjects to examine the structural validity of CSSHS. RESULTS: Structural equation modeling (SEM) revealed that the CSSHS had appropriate structural validity of the six-items single factor . This factor structure was good fit for the empirical data (GFI=.92、RMSEA=.04、CFI=0.98、NNFI=.98). The criterion-related validity has been accepted (r =.41, p < .001). CONCLUSION: CSSHS was a useful inventory for measure children sport self-handicapping in Taiwan. In the future, the aim of study will examine the measurement invariance issue of CSSHS across sex and levels.
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