

作者:陳秀芬洪儷瑜 引用關係
作者(外文):Chen, Hsu-fengHung, Li-yu
主題關鍵詞:國中教學反應閱讀障礙鑑定RTIReading disabilityIdentificationSecondary school
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11.Fuchs, D.、Fuchs, L. S.(2006)。Responsivenessto-intervention: A blueprint for practitioners, policymakers, and parents。Teaching Exceptional Children,38(1),57-61。  new window
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19.Fuchs, D.、Fuchs, L. S.、Compton, D. L.(2004)。Identifying reading disability by responsivenessto- instruction: Specifying measures and criteria。Learning Disability Quarterly,27(4),216-227。  new window
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