

作者:陳書芸呂昱賢賴威霖陳永盛 引用關係
作者(外文):Chen, Su-yunLu, Yu-xianLai, Wai-linChen, Yung-sheng
主題關鍵詞:自律神經安靜心跳率交感神經活化副交感神經活化心肺適能指數Autonomic nervous systemResting heart rateSympathetic activationParasympathetic activationPhysical fitness index
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自律神經功能受到身體姿勢轉變而產生立即性的改變,本研究主要目的在探討三分鐘登階運動後,身體姿勢對大學生心率變異度與血流動力學短期恢復的影響。以21 位舞蹈專長大學生為研究對象(20.1 ± 0.7歲)。參與者以隨機的方式於每日相同時段分別進行站姿、仰臥姿、坐姿試驗,並於三分鐘登階運動前與運動後分別測量15 分鐘安靜心跳率,並且每5 分鐘測量一次血壓,透過Polar RS800CX 心率傳感器測量心率變異度。研究結果顯示心肺適能指數組間比較未達顯著差異。運動前與運動後的心率變異度指標,站姿與仰臥姿之間呈明顯差異。心率變異度運動前/後變化百分比的部分,平均心跳標準偏差坐姿大於站姿,相鄰值平方合均方根、高頻功率、鑒定線垂直的標準差分布、近似熵、樣本熵指標,站姿下降變化性大於仰臥姿與坐姿。血流動力學方面,運動前、後,站姿的舒張壓與平均動脈壓高於仰臥姿與坐姿;而脈壓則站姿低於仰臥姿與坐姿。運動前/後血壓變化百分比則三種身體姿勢之間皆無顯著差異。本研究結論為三分鐘登階運動後,交感神經活性於站立姿勢時持續增加,站立姿勢對大專舞蹈專長生次最大有氧運動後副交感神經活化重新驅動功能有減緩作用,三分鐘登階運動前/後血壓調節變化則不受身體姿勢影響。
It is well documented that autonomic nervous modulation is adapted to acute change of body position. The purpose of this study was to investigate the acute effect of body position on short term heart rate variability (HRV) and hemodynamic changes after a 3-min step test. Twenty-one university dancers (20.1 ± 0.7 years) were voluntarily participated in this study. Participants performed a 3-min step test in 3 occasions at the same time of the day with at least 24 h apart. Pre- and post-exercise 15-min resting HRV and blood pressure were measured in supine, sitting, or standing positions before and after a 3-min step test. Portable heart rate monitor (Polar RS800CX) was used to collect the series of heart rate beats throughout the experiment. Result showed no significant difference of cardiorespiratory fitness indices among the testing conditions. The HRV indices in pre-and post-exercise records showed differences between standing and supine positions. For the percentage change in the HRV indices, the result of SDHR index showed significantly increase in sitting position. The indices of rMSSD, HFP, SD1, ApEn, and SampEn were significantly decreased in standing position, compared with sitting or supine position. For pre- and post-exercise hemodynamic measurements, diastolic blood pressure and mean arterial pressure during standing was significantly higher than supine and sitting positions. In addition, pulse pressure before and after exercise was significant low during standing position. No significant difference was found in percentage change of all hemodynamic variables. Standing position increased post-exercise sympathetic activation after a 3-min step test. We conclude that decrease in post-exercise parasympathetic reactivation during standing position and no position effect on hemodynamic functions after a 3-min step exercise in un iversity dancers.
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