

書刊名:International Journal of Systematic Innovation
作者:陳文亮 引用關係吳海南楊佳蕙
作者(外文):Chen, Wen-liangWu, Hai-nanYang, Chia-hui
主題關鍵詞:系統化感性機能矩陣果汁機造形設計Systematic perceptual function matrixJuice machine,Form design
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Along with the changes in lifestyle and needs, people’s preferences for products vary as well. Moreover, due to the influence of the past culture and experience on the product’s profile, the designer not only has to consider the conditions of the industrial practitioner during the product design, but also needs to understand the emotion and experience placed by the users on the product to effectively convert the invisible needs into the tangible product. However, in the traditional product development process, the designer does not have direct communication with the users when he/she initiates the product design and conducts the structural connection based on the image transferred by the product, resulting in different meanings and expressions of the product perceived by the designer and the users. Therefore, how to make the designer understand the user’s emotional perception of the product so as to design a product meeting the needs of users has become an important subject. This study integrates the features of Kansei Engineering and the quality function deployment with the systematic perceptual function matrix, in order to establish a product form design mode to help the designer to quickly grasp the users’ needs. Moreover, the process and the applicability of this mode is verified and explained through the case of juice machine. The implement method of this mode is simple. It can effectively clarify the form conception and design process, and reduce the complex numerical calculations at the same time to conduct the product appearance conception. Moreover, it is favorable to the development and assessment of the form design and further improving the implementing efficiency of the design practice, enabling the product form design to better meet the users’ feeling, stimulating the users to generate the connection of the joyful and positive emotions, and enhancing the market acceptance and the customer satisfaction.
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