

作者(外文):Chiang, Ching-chengChiang, Jinn-yenTsai, Jong-chang
主題關鍵詞:持拍運動體能檢測網球表現Racket sportPhysical testingTennis performance
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緒論:分析16歲級男女青少年網球選手不同專項體能與排名之相關性並觀察不同排名選手在各專項體能之差異。 方法:以34名男子與17名女子16歲級青少年選手為研究參與者,每位選手接受肌力、肌耐力、上下半身爆發力、柔軟度、敏捷性與場上移動速度等網球專項體能的測量。選手排名則以中華民國網球協會公布的年終排名為依據。 結果:男子選手的排名分別與藥球正手拋、反手拋、伏地挺身、仰臥起坐、六角敏捷及身高檢測結果顯著相關,排名在前組的選手伏地挺身和六角敏捷表現顯著優於排名在後組的選手。女子選手排名僅與年齡達顯著相關。 結論:16歲級男、女青少年網球選手排名和專項體能的相關性不同。排名較佳男選手伏地挺身和六角敏捷專項體能測試表現較優異。在垂直跳與蜘蛛跑的表現仍有進步空間,建議選手與教練可強化下肢肌力訓練,以有效提升比賽時移位的速度。
INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this study was to analyze the correlation between tennis-specific fitness and athelets' ranking order in U16 male and female junior tennis players. METHODS: A total of 51 U16 junior tennis players (males, n=34; females, n=17) participated in this study. Each player was tested for muscle strength, endurance, upper and lower body power, flexibility, agility and speed. The ranking of the players was based on the year-end ranking published by the Chinese Taipei Tennis Association. RESULTS: The male ranking order was significantly correlated with forehand and backhand medicine ball throws, push-ups, sit-ups, hexagon test and height. The higher-ranked group was significantly better in push-ups and hexagon test performance than the lower-ranked group. The female ranking was significantly correlated with age only. CONCLUSION: Male and female correlations for ranking and tennis-specific fitness test do not coincide in U16 male and female junior tennis players. The higher-ranked male players performed better in the push-ups and hexagon tests but not so well in the vertical jump and spider tests. We suggest that players and coaches strengthen the lower limb muscle strength training, in order to effectively improve speed during matches.
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