

作者:許國賢 引用關係
作者(外文):Hsu, Kuo-hsien
主題關鍵詞:個人他者多數專制民主社會The individualOthersTyranny of the majorityDemocratic society
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The birth of modern democratic society denotes the end of the dominance of blood linkage that feudalism closely fastens itself. Thereafter, the individual emerges onto the stage of history and acquires a newly found independence denied before. Yet, in the new era, he is forced to enter into a colossal network of exchange in which his independence is immensely limited and conditioned. In its original intention of construction, democratic society is supposed to be a society in search of peace within inner tensions. This indicates that inner cleavages are by all means parts of it and also that resolving and containing cleavages in a peaceful way is what a democratic society truly pursuits. Focusing on “salability” and “duality in relation to bondages”, this essay aims to explore the nature of modern democratic society and the general conditions of individuals living in it, and, on this basis, to enquire further into the relations between the individual and others on which the longing for peace depends.
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