

作者:戚樹誠羅新興 引用關係梁欣光賴璽方 引用關係朱志傑 引用關係
作者(外文):Chi, Steve Shu-chengLo, Hsin-hsinLiang, Shin-guangLai, Hsi-fangChu, Chih-chieh
主題關鍵詞:職場偏差行為員工工作行為臺灣亞洲Workplace deviant behaviorEmployee job behaviorTaiwanAsia
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在組織行為的研究議題中,職場偏差行為的探討在近二十年來迅速蓬勃發展。瞭解職場偏差行為對於組織與組織成員的影響不僅深具學術意涵,更有實務管理上的迫切性。本文針對2000-2015年以亞洲地區受試者為研究對象探討職場偏差行為的實證研究進行回顧,以臺灣社會科學引文索引(Taiwan Social Science Citation Index; TSSCI)中2015年所收錄的所有管理類與心理類期刊以及15本具高影響力的西方期刊,總共回顧研究共計81篇。我們參考Robinson and Bennett(1995)的分類架構進行系統性分析,藉以瞭解近年亞洲地區就職場偏差行為的研究發現。我們根據回顧的結果指出,職場偏差行為在亞洲地區的研究具有獨特之文化意涵,本研究提出未來研究方向與展望,以提供職場偏差行為研究之參考。
Over the past two decades, researches on workplace deviant behaviors have become increasingly prevalent in the area of organizational behavior. There are both theoretical implications and practical urgency for understanding the impact of workplace deviant behaviors on organizations and their members. The purpose of this paper is to conduct a review of the empirical works on workplace deviant behavior with samples from Asian regions in the past fifteen years. We examined journals in the 2015 list of management and psychology in Taiwan Social Science Citation Index (TSSCI) and 15 highly influential international journals. We drew on Robinson and Bennett (1995) framework and conducted a systematic analysis on the studies of workplace deviant behaviors in Asia. We aim to understand the current status of researches on workplace deviant behaviors. Based on our review, we suggested that there are unique cultural implications for studies on workplace deviant behaviors in Asian regions. We propose directions for future studies and expect prominent outcomes. We hope our efforts can be of value for future research on workplace deviant behaviors.
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2.Vigoda, Eran(2000)。Organizational Politics, Job Attitudes, and Work Outcomes: Exploration and Implications for the Public Sector。Journal of Vocational Behavior,57(3),326-347。  new window
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4.Chiu, Warren C. K.、Chan, Andy W.、Redman, Tome、Sharpe, E.(2001)。Age stereotypes and discriminatory attitudes towards older workers: An East-West comparison。Human Relations,54(5),629-661。  new window
5.Walumbwa, F. O.、Wang, P.、Lawler, J. J.、Shi, K.(2004)。The Role of Collective Efficacy in the Relations between Transformational Leadership and Work Outcomes。Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology,77(4),515-530。  new window
6.Vigoda, E.(2001)。Reactions to organizational politics: A cross-cultural examination in Israel and Britain。Human Relations,54(11),1483-1518。  new window
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8.Xie, J. L.、Johns, G.(2000)。Interactive effects of absence culture salience and group cohesiveness: A multi-level and cross-level analysis of work absenteeism in the Chinese context。Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology,73(1),31-52。  new window
9.余明助、郭嘉博(20090600)。組織公正、負面情感以及組織公民行為之關係研究:以主管不當監督為中介變項。中山管理評論,17(2),367-396。new window  延伸查詢new window
10.Bordia, P.、Restubog, S. L. D.、Tang, R. L.(2008)。When employees strike back: Investigating mediating mechanisms between psychological contract breach and workplace deviance。Journal of Applied Psychology,93(5),1104-1117。  new window
11.Lam, S. S. K.、Schaubroeck, J.、Aryee, S.(2002)。Relationship between organizational justice and employee work outcomes: A cross-national study。Journal of Organizational Behaviour,23(1),1-18。  new window
12.Thomas, D. C.、Au, K.(2002)。The effect of cultural differences on behavioral responses to low job satisfaction。Journal of International Business Studies,33(2),309-326。  new window
13.Aryee, S.、Sun, L. Y.、Chen, Z. X. G.、Debrah, Y. A.(2008)。Abusive supervision and contextual performance: The mediating role of emotional exhaustion and the moderating role of work unit structure。Management and Organization Review,4(3),393-411。  new window
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16.Hu, C.、Wu, T. Y.、Wang, Y. H.(2011)。Measurement equivalence/invariance of the abusive supervision measure across workers from Taiwan and the United States。Journal of Psychology,145(2),111-131。  new window
17.Zhang, H.、Kwan, H. K.、Zhang, X.、Wu, L. Z.(2014)。High core self-evaluators maintain creativity: A motivational model of abusive supervision。Journal of Management,40(4),1151-1174。  new window
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20.Wei, F.、Si, S.(2013)。Tit for tat? Abusive supervision and counterproductive work behaviors: The moderating effects of locus of control and perceived mobility。Asia Pacific Journal of Management,30(1),281-296。  new window
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4. 被不當督導是我的問題嗎?從歸因觀點談主管不當督導的建設性效應
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11. 社區照顧關懷據點服務志工情緒勞務的前置因素與其結果關連性之研究
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15. 角色壓力與職場退縮傾之研究--以心理資本為調節變項
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