

作者:陳啟明鍾國揆 引用關係戴昭瑛 引用關係
作者(外文):Chen, Chi-mingChung, Kuo-kweiTai, Chao-ying
主題關鍵詞:廉價航空滿意度驗證式因素分析模式Low-cost carriersPassenger satisfactionConfirmatory factor analysis model
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The purpose of this study is mainly on understanding Taiwanese passengers' satisfaction and perception of low-cost carriers (LCC), then investigating the statistical relationship of LCC passengers' satisfaction model using goodness-of-fit test. This study employed questionnaires and SEM factor analysis via Amos 20.0 statistical software to acquire the LCC passenger satisfaction forecasting model. Data were analyzed according to second order confirmatory factor analysis in structure equation models by the AMOS 20.0 software. The results revealed that the measuring mechanism of LCC passengers' satisfaction was an effect model. The Results also revealed its analysis to be an effective construction. Its overall model fitness norm is χ2 = 1432.91, GFI = .92, AGFI = .88, CFI = .98, RMSEA = .05, χ2 / df = 1.30. Internal quality reached the standard differentiation, while the factor loading in preliminary fit criteria meet the ideal evaluation value. With the exception of "air fare", the average scores of all the other items are below 4.0, while "dining prices", "on-board entertainment facilities", "the prices of on-board entertainment", "the convenience ticket refunds", and "the convenience of rescheduling a flight" were among the less satisfied. The results may provide some useful reference for the tourism industry, academic research institutions, and other related organizations.
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