

作者:杜之譽張博涵黃長福 引用關係
作者(外文):Chih-Yu TuChang, Po-hanHuang, Chen-fu
主題關鍵詞:前十字韌帶生物力學因子系統性回顧Anterior cruciate ligamentBiomechanical factorsSystematic review
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緒論:下肢段應力產生撕裂是著地動作傷害常見型態之一,是造成前十字韌帶傷害的重要機轉。已有相當多研究聚焦於疲勞生物力學影響因子與應力撕裂之關聯度;且肌內效貼紮是一種常見預防傷害或保護下肢傷害方法之一。因此本研究目的旨在以生物力觀點探討疲勞對急停動作之影響;進一步以肌內效貼紮股直肌介入後對著地動作之影響。 方法:本文透過系統性回顧方法,利用 PubMed 及EBSCO Host 資料庫,輸入著地、疲勞及肌內效貼紮等關鍵詞,蒐集 1991-2016 年之文獻加以分類後呈現。 結果:過小的膝關節屈曲角度、過大的膝關節外翻力矩、前後地面反作用力及膝關節向前剪力等,皆容易造成前十字韌帶損傷。 結論:疲勞對於著地運動造成下肢傷害的因素之一,急停跳動作過程中膝關節為扮演相當重要的角色,因此需要從事較為高負荷的反覆跳躍運動時,進行預防性的股四頭肌肌內效貼紮,能夠提供在疲勞發生後降低運動傷害風險的方法。
INTRODUCTION: Lower-limb stress fracture was one of the most common types of landing injures. There have been several studies focusing the association between stress fractures and biomechanical factors. The purpose of this study was to investigate the Kinesio-taping in quadriceps femoris on lower limb fatigue during a stop-jump task, and to analyze the trend related Kinesio Taping researches. METHODS: A systematic review of the literature was conducted on the relationship between the landing injury, fatigue, and Kinesio Taping . PubMed and EBSCO Host online were used as the primary search database. The ISI Web of Science was surveyed as complementary databases. The search was performed from 1991 to 2016 and resulted in a total number of 32 articles and abstracts. The following search strategy was used to search key words including fatigue, landing , and Kinesio-taping. RESULTS: Lower knee flexion angle, higher knee valgus moment, ground reaction force, and tibial shear force caused by anterior cruciate ligament injury easily. CONCLUSIONS: To obtain result of division A athletes, and expand people with sports habits, after providing the populace another kind of method to be able to reduce the sport injury risk when occurring fatigue, and achieve the real fitness effect of exercise.
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