

題名:Marketing and Executing Strategies of Mandarin Chinese Study Tours: Customer Relationship Management Approach
作者:蔡喬育 引用關係
作者(外文):Cai, Qiao Yu
主題關鍵詞:顧客關係管理華語文遊學團華語文中心行銷與經營策略TMBBC策略Customer relationship managementCRMMandarin Chinese study toursChinese language centersMarketing and executing strategiesThe TMBBC strategy
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顧客關係管理取向在業界已行之有年。顧客關係管理的概念強調在競爭的市場中把主客關係的利益極大化。儘管販賣產品的企業組織與辦理華語文遊學團的華語文中心之特性與目標不全然相同,但是全球化資本主義和自由市場競爭已經影響了教育機構,而華語文中心也不例外。華語文中心不僅招收非華語文母語者來修讀(非)學分的華語文課程,也會為海外國際學生辦理華語文遊學團,以提升他們的海外知名度。為了能成功行銷與經營華語文遊學團,華語文中心得盡一切可能地和之前報名參加過的、正在參加的,或還未參加的目標學生建立合作關係。因此,本文旨在探討顧客關係管理,及其發展模式和執行策略,並依此為辦理短期華語文遊學團的華語文中心提出TMBBC策略,即嘗試(Test)業界作法,起初不計盈虧以建立知名度、善用(Make good use of)科技軟體來建立學生資料庫、意識(Be aware of)教職員專業的重要性、建立(Build up)有特色的華語文中心和華語文遊學團來加深非華語文為母語者的印象,以及創設(Create)網路社群聯繫彼此,以建立學生的凝聚力。
The CRM approach has been applied in business for many years. The concept of CRM focuses on the agency-client relationship for maximizing profits in the competitive market. Notwithstanding, the attributes and goals of business organizations selling products are not exactly the same as that of Chinese language centers conducting Mandarin Chinese study tours. Global capitalism and free market competition have affected educational institutions, and Chinese language centers are no exceptions. Chinese Language Centers not only recruit nonnative Chinese speakers to participate in credit and non-credit Chinese programs but also conduct Mandarin Chinese study tours for overseas international students to enhance their overseas reputation. In order to succeed in marketing and executing Mandarin Chinese study tours, Chinese language centers, by all possible means, must build collaborative relationships with target students who previously enrolled in, are currently enrolled in, or have never participated in Mandarin Chinese study tours. Hence, this article proposes the “TMBBC” strategy (Test the business operations, and not worry in the beginning about profit and loss, but focus to establish a favorable reputation; Make good use of technological software to build up student database; Be aware of the importance of the faculty staff professionalism; Build up distinctive "Learning Chinese language centers and Mandarin Chinese study tours" that impress non-native Chinese speakers; Create online com munities to keep track of each other and build learners" cohesiveness) for Chinese language centers conducting short-term Mandarin Chinese study tours, and is followed by discussions on CRM, including its development model, and implementation strategies.
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