

題名:Predictive Effect of Life Events on Adolescent Depression in Taiwan
書刊名:Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry
作者(外文):Chung, Ming-shunSun, Wen-jungLin, Chieh-nanKuo, Chien-chengHuang, Wei-cheCheng, Hui-pingChou, Pesus
主題關鍵詞:青少年生活事件重鬱症輕鬱症AdolescentLife eventsMajor depressive disorderDysthymia
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背景:青少年時期是發展出憂鬱症的高危險時期,負向生活事件與青少年憂鬱症有明確 的關聯,本研究的目的是找出青少年重鬱症與輕鬱症相關的生活事件。方法:收集719 位國 小五年級至國中二年級學生的基本資料並填寫台灣人憂鬱症量表與生活事件量表。1.5 至2.5 年後,共有511 位學生完成由精神科醫師進行之迷你會談評估,以確定其精神科診斷。經由 多變項回歸分析確定影響憂鬱症的生活事件。結果:負向生活事件在沒有憂鬱症,輕鬱症及 重鬱症的青少年之間有明顯的差別 (p < 0.05)。獨立性負向生活事件與重鬱症較為相關,而 衍生性負向生活事件與輕鬱症較明顯的相關 (p < 0.01)。「父母離婚」(p < 0.01) 與「家人死 亡」(p < 0.01) 可明顯的預測青少年重鬱症的發生。「父母離婚」(p < 0.01)、「弟弟或妹妹誕 生」(p < 0.01)、「跟同學處不好」(p < 0.01) 及「跟兄弟姊妹處不好」(p < 0.01) 則對 輕鬱症 有明顯的預測效果。結論:與家庭結構變動或同儕關係相關的生活事件可能可以預測青少年 重鬱症與輕鬱症。
Objectives: High risk of developing depression, adolescence is a critical focus of study in determining vulnerability to depression. In children and adolescents, negative life events (NLE) are associated with the development of depression. The objective of this study was to study the impacts of life events on major depressive disorder and dysthymia in adolescents in Taiwan. Methods: We recruited 719 students (grades 5-8) to collect demographic data, Taiwanese Depression Questionnaire score, and Life Events Checklist at the first stage. Psychiatrists interviewed 511 students of those 719 students with the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview-Kid to assess their psychiatric diagnoses 1.5-2.5 years later, at the second stage. With multiple logistic regression, we determined risk factors for the diagnoses of depressive disorders. Results: There was significant difference among no depressive disorder, dysthymia, and major depressive disorder in NLE. Independent NLE are significantly associated with major depressive disorder (p < 0.05), and deviated NLE are more significantly associated with dysthymia (p < 0.01). "Parents divorced" (p < 0.01) and "Death of a family member" (p < 0.01) were significantly predictive of major depressive disorder after controlling for the depressive symptoms at the first stage. The life events "Parents divorced" (p < 0.01), "A new brother or sister" (p < 0.01), "Trouble with brother or sister," (p < 0.01) and "Trouble with classmates" (p < 0.01) were significantly predictive of dysthymia. Conclusion: Individual life events associated with the basic structure of the family and peer relationships may predict the onset of major depressive disorder and dysthymia.
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