

作者:蔡進發 引用關係
作者(外文):Tsai, Chin-fa
主題關鍵詞:求偶思維自我複雜度共品牌契合度雌雄同體共品牌評價Mating mind-setsSelf-ComplexityCo-Brand fitAndrogynous co-brand evaluation
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本文將求偶思維的觀念應用在雌雄同體共品牌的研究上,試圖檢驗求偶思維、自我複雜度、共品牌契合度與雌雄同體共品牌評價之間的關係,並檢驗性別對雌雄同體共品牌評價的影響,是否會受到求偶思維所干擾。本研究採用實驗設計方式,將募集的290位受測者隨機分派到求偶思維情境與非求偶思維情境,進行實驗、蒐集資料並驗證假說。結果顯示:(1)求偶思維、自我複雜度與共品牌契合度會正向影響雌雄同體共品牌評價,(2)求偶思維會正向影響自我複雜 度與共品牌契合度,(3)性別對雌雄同體共品牌評價的影響會受到求偶思維所干擾。
This study applies the concept of mating mind-sets to the field of androgynous co-brand and attempts to examine the relationships among mating mind-sets, self-complexity, co-brand fit, and androgynous co-brand evaluation. Besides, this study also attempts to examine whether mating mind-sets moderates the effect of gender on androgynous co-brand evaluation. This study adopts experimental design to collect data and to examine proposed hypotheses. 290 recruited subjects are randomly distributed to any one of both mating mind-sets and non-mating mind-sets situation. This result shows that (1) Mating mind-sets, self-complexity, and co-brand fit positively influence androgynous co-brand evaluation. (2) Mating mind-sets positively influence both self-complexity and co-brand fit, respectively. (3) Mating mind-sets moderates the effect of gender on androgynous co-brand evaluation.
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