

題名:Do Overconfident CEOs Ignore the Market?
作者:李韋憲 引用關係
作者(外文):Li, Wei-hsien
主題關鍵詞:合併與收購過度自信管理者心理偏誤CEO學習M&AsOverconfidenceManagerial biasCEO learning
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I investigate the effect of CEO overconfidence on learning from the market when completing announced mergers and acquisitions (M&As). Utilizing an options-based proxy of CEO overconfidence, I find that an overconfident CEO is more likely to complete an M&A bid despite unfavorable market feedback after controlling for the incentive alignment between the CEO and the shareholders. These results are robust against various sensitivity tests as well as endogeneity concerns and are not driven by alternative interpretations including managerial quality and private information. The findings are consistent with overconfident CEOs ignoring valuable market feedback on their decisions even if their interests are aligned with shareholders.
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