

作者(外文):Shih, Chris
主題關鍵詞:組織學習創新政府效能臺灣官僚Organizational learningInnovationGovernment effectivenessTaiwan bureaucracy
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In the rapidly changing world, organizations must constantly keep learning to keep up with the times and create new opportunities then provides better products and services. In Taiwan, due to the frequent turns and struggles of political parties, organizations are too large to be accountable; social changes rapidly; rigid laws and decrees; ineffective assessments and lack of incentives, leading to ineffective organizational learning. This article uses literature and comparative institutional analysis methods to point out that to boost learning effectiveness and promote creativity, in order to provide a better public service, we can make use of the present Internet networks and electronic technology to establish a platform for internal and external communication, establish an independent body responsible for the storage and transmission of knowledge, to give civil servants proper career vision and dignity, while leaders also take the leading role to create a conductive environment to learning and creativity. Finally, to fundamentally transform the patterns and service models of public organizations should be the best way to make learning constantly and to create and deliver the best and most desirable public services for the people.
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