

作者:蔡英欣 引用關係
作者(外文):Tsai, Ying-hsin
主題關鍵詞:股份共有共同繼承股份權利行使人股份轉讓過戶登記Joint owner of shareCommon inherited shareRepresentative of jointly owned shareTitle transfer of share
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The characteristic of common inherited shares is to be seemed as quasi-owned in common in Civil Law. Despite its complication, there is only one provision in Company Law to regulate the way to exercise the rights of the common inherited shares: to ask the joint owners of share to select a representative to exercise their rights. There are no other provisions to deal with this subject, so many questions can be raised. In particular, since there are no uniform opinions from the courts in tackling relevant issues, a timely research is needed. Under this circumstance, this paper would discuss the following issues by referring to the Japanese Law. The first one is that since the joint owners of shares are asked to select a representative to exercise their rights by Company Law, the question is how do the common heirs select a representative according this provision? Do they select the representative by using the simple-majority rule or the unanimous rule? The second issue is whether the common heirs could exercise their rights before selecting a representative. If they could, how do they exercise the rights? Is it the same as to the preservative measures of the shareholder's rights? The third issue is that do they need to transfer the title of the inherited share before the common heirs exercise the shareholder's rights?
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