

作者:賴志超 引用關係蘇倫慧 引用關係侯佩宜
作者(外文):Lai, Chih-chaoSu, Lun-huiHou, Pei-yi
主題關鍵詞:職場靈性正念自我悲愍自我嚴苛心理調適Workplace spiritualityMindfulnessSelf-compassionSelf-harshnessSelf-adaptation
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This research aims to investigate the mediating effects of self-compassion and self-harshness among workplace spirituality, mindfulness and psychological adaptation. The present researchers used a purposive sampling survey method. Participants were 683 fulltime workers in various industries in Taiwan. Using Mplus statistical software, structural equation modeling analyses with bias-corrected bootstrap method were used to examine the fitness of the hypothesized model and the mediating effects of self-compassion and self-harshness. The present researchers developed a model and the results showed that the model appropriately explained how workplace spirituality and mindfulness via self-compassion and self-harshness predicted psychological adaptation. The results showed that self-compassion fully mediated workplace spirituality and Chinese happiness. In addition, self-harshness fully mediated the relationships of mindfulness to both Chinese happiness and common mental disorders. Workplace spirituality together with mindfulness shaped workers' self-attitude, which in turn enhanced their self-adaptation. The results suggest that workplace is not merely the source of workers' salary and benefits but vital factor of health promotion and happiness. As Chinese culture emphasizes harsh self-discipline, Chinese people are pronged to engage in self-harshness, which may lead to common mental disorders. With mindfulness, self-harshness tendency in Chinese individuals might be alleviated. Implications, recommendations for future studies, and research limitation were presented.
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1. 有意義的工作對職場主觀幸福感之影響:組織承諾的中介效果與個人宗教信仰的調節式中介效果
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4. 高中職學生情感支持型家庭教養、 情緒智力、人際關係與主觀幸福感相關之研究
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8. 高中職教師心理資本、職場靈性、生命意義感與心理幸福感關聯之研究
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