

書刊名:澳門理工學報. 人文社會科學版
作者(外文):Lin, Zhongxuan
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1.Hardt, Michael(1999)。Affective labor。Boundary 2,26(2),89-100。  new window
2.Fuchs, Christian(2010)。Labor in informational capitalism and on the Internet。The Information Society: An International Journal,26(3),179-196。  new window
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5.Andrejevic, Mark(2015)。Personal Data: Blind Spot of the 'Affective Law of Value'?。The Information Society,31(1),5-12。  new window
6.Arvidsson, Adam、Colleoni, Elanor(2012)。Value in Informational Capitalism and on the Internet。The Information Society,28(3),135-150。  new window
7.Robinson, Bruce(2015)。With a Different Marx: Value and the Contradictions of Web 2.0 Capitalism。The Information Society,31(1),44-51。  new window
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9.邱林川(2012)。新型網络社會的勞工問題。開放時代,12。  延伸查詢new window
10.Lin, Zhongxuan(2016)。Learning to Labour 2.0: How Macau Internet Users become Immaterial and Affective Labourers。Asiascape: Digital Asia,3(3),167-191。  new window
11.Caffentzis, George(2007)。Crystals and Analytic Engines: Historical and Conceptual Preliminaries to a New Theory of Machines。Ephemera: Theory & Politics in Organization,7(1),24-45。  new window
12.Camfield, David(2007)。The Multitude and the Kangaroo: A Critique of Hardt and Negri's Theory of Immaterial Labour。Historical Materialism,15(2),21-52。  new window
13.Carls, Kristin(2007)。Affective Labour in Milanese Large Scale Retailing: Labour Control and Employees' Coping Strategies。Ephemera: Theory & Politics in Organization,7(1),46-59。  new window
14.Comor, Edward(2015)。Revisiting Marx's Value Theory: A Critical Response to Analyses of Digital Prosumption。The Information Society,31(1),13-19。  new window
15.Zajc, Melita(2015)。The Social Media Dispositive and Monetization of User-Generated Content。The Information Society,31(1),61-67。  new window
16.Fuchs, Christian(2012)。Dallas Smythe Today--The Audience Commodity, the Digital Labour Debate, Marxist Political Economy and Critical Theory。Prolegomena to a Digital Labour Theory of Value, Triple C,10(2),692-740。  new window
17.Kücklich, Julian(2005)。Precarious Playbour: Modders and the Digital Games Industry。The Fibreculture Journal,5。  new window
1.Terranova, Tiziana(2004)。Network Culture: Politics for the Information Age。London:Pluto Press。  new window
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4.Virno, Paolo(2004)。A Grammar of the Multitude: For an Analysis of Contemporary Forms of Life。Semiotext(e)。  new window
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7.Dyer-Witheford, Nick、De Peuter, Greig(2009)。Games of Empire: Global Capitalism and Video Games。Minneapolis, MN:University of Minnesota Press。  new window
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10.Hochschild, Arlie Russell(1983)。The Managed Heart: Commercialization of Human Feeling。University of California Press。  new window
11.Castells, Manuel(2000)。The Rise of the Network Society。Blackwell。  new window
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13.Hardt, Michael、Negri, Antonio(2004)。Multitude: War and Democracy in the Age of Empire。Penguin。  new window
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1.Lazzarato, Maurizio(1996)。Immaterial Labor。Radical Thought in Italy: A Potential Politics。University of Minnesota Press。  new window
2.Fiske, John(1992)。The cultural economy of Fandom。The adoring audience: Fan culture and popular media。London:Routledge。  new window
3.Hearn, Alison(2012)。Brand Me "Activist"。Commodity Activism: Cultural Resistance in Neoliberal Times。New York:New York University Press。  new window
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