

題名:Effects of Individual Factors and Marketing Strategies on Impulsive Buying Urge in TV Shopping
作者:陳薇薇 引用關係蔡東峻 引用關係陳獻凱
作者(外文):Chen, Wei WeiTsai, DungchunChen, Hsien-kai
主題關鍵詞:電視購物衝動購買迫切性吸引力知覺風險正面情緒Television shoppingImpulse buyingAttractivenessPerceived riskPositive affect
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電視購物快速成長,歸因於收視者在觀看電視購物頻道時常會發生衝動性購買的行為。本研究應用Beatty and Ferrell (1998)衝動購買的模式,並加入知覺風險與主持人與來賓吸引力等兩個因素,探討影響電視購物衝動購買迫切性的前因。本研究透過問卷調查方式,蒐集262位有效樣本,經由線性結構模式分析發現,收視者衝動購買傾向是最主要影響衝動購買迫切性的因素,其次是電視購物頻道瀏覽行為與收視時的正面情緒。本研究進一步發現,低知覺風險和較少時間外出購物的收視者,會增加電視購物頻道瀏覽行為,主持人與來賓的吸引力會大幅影響收視時的正面情緒。本研究透過整體性架構,探討多個影響因素,並比較個別因素的影響程度,對於電視購物衝動迫切性有更完整的了解。
Rapid growth of TV shopping is attributed to the fact that viewers make impulse purchase on TV shopping channels. By applying Beatty and Ferrell (1998)'s impulse buying model and incorporating two new antecedents (perceived risk and the attractiveness of host and celebrity) which are unique to TV shopping, this study investigates the antecedents of viewers' impulse buying urge. Analysis of a questionnaire survey with 262 subjects, utilizing structural equation modelling, reveals that impulse buying tendency has the strongest impact on viewers' impulse buying urge, followed by TV shopping channel browsing behaviors and positive affect. In addition, viewers who perceive less risk toward TV shopping and have less time to go out shopping are more likely to browse TV shopping channels. The authors also find that positive affect is primarily enhanced by attractive hosts and celebrities. Through the examination of a comprehensive framework, this study contributes that the previously found and new factors could influence buying urge in TV shopping contexts and compare their relative impact. In addition, this study extends the applicability of impulse buying model in the TV shopping context and also identifies additional constructs, including perceived risk and attractiveness of host and celebrity, which are not discussed in the model.
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