

作者(外文):Lee, Ting-iHsieh, Yi-hsuanHuang, Jyun-hueiHuang, Li-janLi, Jia-syunSyu, Miao-chiWu, Raymond Pin-rong
主題關鍵詞:都市綠網都市設計舊市區都市綠化Urban green networksUrban designInner urban areasUrban greening
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In highly developed compact urban environments, linear greening can bring physical connection to fragmented green spaces. In Taiwan, those alleys in inner urban areas play a role as important as public open spaces. They are places where urban inhabitants' daily life, connecting transportation, townscape characteristics, and historical and cultural activities take place. However, alley landscaping is often neglected by planning policies. There is a lack of fundamental research to support effective planning actions. Thus, this article aims at understanding the relationship between alley landscaping and alley features in urban regeneration areas. All alleys and lanes in the designated regeneration areas in Chiayi City were documented, and the associations between the factors of their landscaping typology and spatial features were analyzed. The results show that the existence of alley landscaping is mainly associated with the spatial pattern of alley itself and the activities in the alley space, but less associated with the type of buildings and the land use alongside. The planting typology is associated with the four features of an alley or a lane.
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