

作者:林鴻玲侯建州 引用關係吳欣儀李明峯鄭惠心
作者(外文):Lin, Hung-lingHou, Chien-chouWu, Hsin-yiLi, Ming-fengCheng, Hui-hsin
主題關鍵詞:出院準備服務醫務社會工作神經功能障礙長期照顧團隊合作Discharge planningMedical social workNeurological dysfunctionLong-term careTeamwork
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After the acute phase of the disease, the Discharge Service Team assesses the patient's needs for follow-up care. The patient is unable to self-care due to physical impairment and relies on others to assist with long-term care. The Discharge Service Team is task-oriented. Need to focus on the needs of caregivers, Also, subsequent care may cause a great burden for the family and society. The purpose of this research is to study patients with neurological disorders who cannot take care themselves, through (1) discharge preparing team involved, (2) social resources available or families (3) the situation of medical social workers and the subsequent care of patients placement. At the same time, analysis (1) the thought and the process changes of taking care of patients, (2) feelings and expectations to those medical social workers, (3) the importance of long-term care in the health system, and further recommendations for its services and policies. This study used qualitative research methods, subject to purposive sampling and selected 10 subjects to collect valid data by reading literature, participant observation and in-depth interviews to collect. The result: (1) discharge preparing team involved: to help families to get available resources without traipsing (2) social resources available or families: solve patient-care problem. Help families to gain positive attitude, looking for available social welfare resources and reduce the economic burden. Eventually, improve the quality of life of patients and their families (3) medical social workers are the coordinator of family communication. To be a bridge of families and professional medical team, giving assistance not only on spiritual, but also physical. Provide information and resources of medical organization to families and help them transfer to another suitable nursing home if needed. Follow-up resource distribution status after the patient is discharged, and the continued use of long-term care services. Giving recommendations according to the research findings, (1) a patient-centered service model: providing a total care service rather than task-oriented to serve patients. Pull together hospital resource in connection to communities, families and informal resources to take care for the sick; (2) Take the initiative to play to create a role in the advantages: take the initiative to the new medical staff training in the discharge of the preparation services to the medical social workers of the task, by the medical staff to assist in referral to the ward to provide services; (3) hospital advocates the intension of medical social workers: make patients to understand the conditions and intension of using long-term care welfare resource via variety of promotional tools.
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