

作者(外文):Chou, Pei-yi
主題關鍵詞:馮友蘭知類文化觀民族性不承認所謂民族性或國民性Feng YoulanUnderstanding in temrs of typesView on cultureNationalityDenunciate so-called nationalities
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Having obtained reputation for his two-volume A History of Chinese Philosophy, Feng Youlan enters the roll of significant thinkers by virtue of the publication of Six Works of the Zhenyuan Series during the Second Sino-Japanese War. Studies in Feng nowadays are either focalized on his historiagraphy of thought or on the philisophical system formulated in New Neo-Confucianism. A thinker and a historian of philosophy, Feng also responded critcially to the debate revolving around culture at the turn from the late Qing Empire to the Republic in On Things: A New Approach. Turning apart from his contemporaries immersed in the substance-use relation between the spiritual and the material or the simple opposition between a Chinese culture and a Western one, Feng argues that cultures should be understood in terms of types and that the difference between Chinese and Western cultures is of a typological matter which requires the horizon to be lifted from the paricular up to the universal. Feng even claims to "denunciate so-called nationalities" in a gesture resistant against the nineteenth-century atmosphere in which nationalities were often referred to in explications of cultural differences. It is out of the purpose of resolving the problems concerning the difference between Chinese and Western cultures that Feng raises such a denunciation. This article investigates Feng's view on culture by examining how he conceptualizes an understanding in terms of types on the basis of his studies in philosophy, and how such a view developes into a denuciation of nationalities and hence a dissolution of the debate about Chinese and Western cultures. From the contempory point of view, this article also briefly evaluates this aspect of Feng's thought, numerating its merits and flaws
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