

作者(外文):Lin, Zi-yanChien, Hsing-chinChang, Yu-nuFan, Juin-lianHung, Shiang-ruLiao, Hsuen-min
主題關鍵詞:重大外傷急診處置Major traumaEmergency management
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The majority of deaths in major trauma patients usually occur in the emergency department. Nurses should be able to quickly and completely assess the primary, then report to the relevant treatment, and enter the secondary assessment as soon as possible to establish a diagnosis, thereby reducing the risk of death. An investigation of nursing staff in our unit, from 1 March to 20 March 2016, found that the treatment completion rate of patients with major trauma was only 60.8%. To improve the quality of care for major trauma patients, the aim of this project is to improve the completion rate for major traumas to 93%. Analysis of the current situation found that there are four reasons for the poor performance: shortage of nursing staff in the major trauma group, lack of fixed physiological monitors, lack of experience in nurses carrying out treatment of patients with major trauma, and insufficient education and training on major trauma. The completion rate of emergency nursing staff for the treatment of major trauma was increased to 97% by increasing nursing staff for major trauma, adding wall-mounted physiological monitors, using objective structured clinical tests, putting up standard operating procedures for major trauma, and organizing educational courses on major trauma. The results and process of this project can provide a reference for the clinical care of patients with major trauma, enabling them to obtain immediate and complete care, thereby improving outcomes.
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