

作者(外文):Lee, Mei-hui
主題關鍵詞:死亡委婉語華語教學隱喻與轉喻Euphemisms for deathTeaching Chinese as a second languageMetaphor and metonymy
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Death is a taboo in all cultures. People tend to resort to a wide variety of euphemisms when touching upon this topic. Most of the researches in the field of Chinese as a Second Language (CSL) investigated euphemisms from the perspective of first language learning and teaching, focusing on their functions, compositions and underpinning concepts, while some researchers looked into the similarities and differences of English and Chinese expressions. Recently, with a steady growth in the number of CSL learners, more and more higher-intermediate and advanced learners encounter death-related euphemisms while reading the authentic materials. However, learners find it laborious to figure out the true meaning and usage of these expressions. A great many expressions are listed in the dictionaries and related research reports though, most of them are rarely used in real-life communication. What's more challenging to the learners is that the expressions are neither arranged systematically in the dictionaries and reference books, nor are they explained from the perspective of a second language learner. A better presentation and explanation of these terms to facilitate effective learning is obviously a must. To meet the advanced CSL learners ' need in comprehending authentic materials and help them master the death-related euphemisms, we have summarized in a list the expressions, sequencing from the perspective of pedagogical needs in accordance with their frequency in authentic materials and the metaphor- and metonymy- related theories. In preparing the list, we sifted through the corpora, identifying the most-frequently-used expressions in authentic materials and news headlines. Having compared with the existing teaching materials, we short-listed the expressions that are most needed in advanced teaching materials. The expressions were then arranged based on the metaphor- and metonymy-related theories, aiming to guide learners to recognize and understand these taboo expressions effectively.
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