

作者(外文):Ou Yang, Min
主題關鍵詞:物種問題科學實在論反實在論不可觀察物物項實在論Species problemScientific realismAnti-realismUnobservableEntity realism
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4.Kitcher, Philip(1984)。Species。Philosophy of Science,51(2),308-333。  new window
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6.Okasha, Samir(2002)。Darwinian Metaphysics: Species and the Question of Essentialism。Synthese,131(2),191-213。  new window
7.Ereshefsky, Marc(1998)。Species pluralism and anti-realism。Philosophy of Science,65(1),103-120。  new window
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35.Saatsi, Juha T.(2017)。Replacing recipe realism。Synthese,194(9),3233-3244。  new window
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37.Turner, Derek D.(2004)。The past vs. the tiny: historical science and the abductive arguments for realism。Studies in History and Philosophy of Science,35(1),1-17。  new window
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40.Yan, Karen、Hricko, Jonathon(2017)。Brain networks, structural realism, and local approaches to the scientific realism debate。Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Science,64,1-10。  new window
41.Mayden, Richard L.(2002)。On biological species, species concepts and individuation in the natural world。Fish and Fisheries,3(3),171-196。  new window
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6.Hricko, Jonathon(2018)。Retail Realism, the Individuation of Theoretical Entities, and the Case of the Muriatic Radical。Individuation, Process, and Scientific Practices。Oxford University Press。  new window
7.Hull, D. L.(1999)。On the Plurality of Species: Questioning the Party Line。Species: New Interdisciplinary Essays。The MIT Press。  new window
8.Kitcher, Philip(1989)。Some Puzzles About Species。What the Philosophy of Biology Is。Springer。  new window
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12.Saatsi, J.(2010)。Form-driven vs. content-driven arguments for realism。New waves in philosophy of science。Palgrave Macmillan。  new window
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