

作者:翁慈青 引用關係紀信義 引用關係吳佳霖
作者(外文):Weng, Tzu-chingChi, Hsin-yiWu, Chia-lin
主題關鍵詞:審計公費會計師公會與社團組織知識共享Audit feesAccountant association and allianceKnowledge sharing
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The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of individual auditor connection of association and alliance on audit fees from 2016 to 2019 in Taiwan listed companies. This study further considers the impact on non-big 4 audit firms. The results show that non-big 4 individual auditors, who participate in more social network organizations, will earn more audit fees. Additionally, as the sensitivity tests such as the importance of auditors' positions, controlling endogeneity, adopting difference-in-difference and the effect on non-audit fees, we also find that while non-big 4 auditors participating in more social network connections can raise their audit fees, their association and alliance connections can enhance their non-audit fees.
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