

題名:Political and Economic Considerations Related to the Formation of Population Policy on Mainland China, 1949-1970
作者(外文):Yin, Chien-chung
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一般研究大陸匪區人口政策的著作,僅注意政策本身的討論,或者僅描述推行節育的方法;而對於自西元1949年到1962年影響其人口政策形成的重大事件與毛匪之陰狠則欠缺描述與分析。 中共一切主要理論與作法,均源自馬克斯的論點,同時中共黨內任何決策均受信奉馬克斯思想的毛匪所主宰。馬克斯認為只有在資本主義社會,才有剩餘人口的問題,這是由於資本主義的政治及經濟制度之不良所造成的;而他認為在社會主義的國家是沒有人口過剩的問題,這使是他所謂的人口理論。西元1949年毛匪確認人多是從事建設的大好條件;既使再多上幾倍也有方法來解決;到了1950年代後期,當人們在談節育時又說了一些人只看到一個人有一張嘴,可是却忘了人還有兩隻手,由此可見毛匪不認為人口過多是問題。 毛區以為在政治及經濟制度止,澈底依據馬克斯的論點施行於中國大陸,便可解決一切問題。因此在1949-1957年開始推行清算,門爭,土改,一切商業農業收歸國有,並採取蘇聯的模式發展工業,使得農業減產與一般人民消費品之匱乏,而造成民怨以及共黨內部對毛匪之不滿。1956年末到1957年夏季,毛匪藉「百花齊放,百家爭鳴」表示願意接受批評來緩和壓力,許多知識份子紛分表示以節育(人口學的方法)來解決經濟的問題。但最後漸失控制,毛匪遂下令停止,而關始整肅異己,許多受西方訓練的學者都難逃厄運。由於這次整肅使得著手推行的節育運動,突然在1958年夏季停止o接著在1958-1961年大力推行「大躍進」運動,以吸收大量過剩的人口從事苦力式的勞動。由於「大躍進」之失敗,致使中國大陸在1961-1962成為大量糧食輸入地區;因此在1962年不得不恢復節育政策,這是當初一些挨整肅的知識份子所建議的。
Publications and studies on population policies in China generally focus on policies or birth control methods. However, descriptions and analyses on key incidents and mean communist practices that influenced population policies from 1949 to 1962 are insufficient. Main theories and practices in China come from Marxist ideas. Decisions in Chinese Communist Party are dominated by figures believe in Marxism. Karl Marx believes that surplus population issue only happens in capitalist societies, caused by problematic political and economic systems. In his theory, surplus population issue doesn’t happen in socialist countries. In 1949, Chinese communists decided that higher population would be helpful to infrastructure development, and there were always solutions even population multiplied by several times. When people talked about birth control in the late 1950s, Chinese communists countered that each person had one mouth to eat but two hands to work. In other words, they didn’t think surplus population was an issue. Communists thought that all problems could be solved by thoroughly implementing Marxist theories in political and economic systems. From 1949 to 1957, it executed political struggles, land reforms, agricultural and business nationalization, and industrial development based on Soviet models. However, falling agricultural yields and consumer goods led to social unrests and complaints within Communist Party. From late 1956 to summer 1957, Communist Party claimed to welcome criticism. Many intellectuals proposed to solve economic issues with birth control (demographic methods). As the situation gradually got out of control, communists started to punish scholars with western training backgrounds. Birth control movement was suddenly terminated in summer 1958. Great Leap Forward from 1958 to 1961 aimed to direct surplus population to hard labor. As Great Leap Forward failed, China became a major food importer from 1961 to 1962. Birth control policy proposed to punished intellectuals was forced to reinstate in 1962.
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