| 期刊論文1. | Baumol, William J.、Bradford, David F.(1970)。Optimal departures from marginal cost pricing。American Economic Review,60(3),265-283。 | 2. | Cesari, L.(1966)。Existence Theorems for Weak and Usual Optimal Solutions in Lagrange Problems with Unilateral Constraints。Transactions of the American Mathematical Society,124(3),369-412。 | 3. | Ioffe, A. D.(1976)。An Existence Theorem for a General Bolza Problem。SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization,14(3),458-466。 | 4. | Cullum, J.(1969)。Discrete Approximations to Continuous Optimal Control Problems。SIAM Journal on Control,7(1),32-49。 | 5. | Tabak, D.、Kuo, B. C.(1969)。Application of mathematical programming in the design of optimal control systems。International Journal of Control,10(5),545-552。 | 6. | Cesari, Lamberto(1966)。Existence theorems for weak and usual optimal solutions in Lagrange problems with unilateral constraints. II. Existence theorems for weak solutions。Transactions of the American Mathematical Society,124(3),413-430。 | 圖書1. | Takayama, A.(1974)。Mathematical Economics。Hinsdale, Illinois:The Dryden Press。 | 2. | Luenberger, David G.(1969)。Optimization by Vector Space Methods。New York:John Wiley。 | 3. | Intriligator, M. D.(1971)。Mathematical Optimization and Economic Theory。Prentice Hall。 | 4. | Fiacco, A. V.、McCormick, G. P.(1968)。Nonlinear Programming-Sequential Unconstrained Minimization Techniques。New York, NY:John Wiley & Sons Inc。 | 5. | Sage, A. P.、White, C. C. III(1977)。Optimal Systems Control。New York:Prentice-Hall。 | 6. | Brigham, Eugene F.(1977)。Financial management: theory and practice。Hindsdale, Ill:The Dryden Press。 | 7. | Kirk, Donald E.(1970)。Optimal Control Theory。Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey:Prentice-Hall。 | 8. | Arrow, K. J.、Kurz, M.(1970)。Public Investment, The Rate of Return, and Optimal Fiscal Policy。The Johns Hopkins Press。 | 9. | Chakravarty, Sukhamoy(1969)。Capital and Development Planning。M. I. T. Press。 | 10. | Lee, E. B.、Markus, L.(1967)。Foundations of Optimal Control Theory。Wiley。 | 11. | Strauss, A.(1968)。An Introduction to Optimal Control Theory。Springer-Verlag。 | 12. | Lipsay, R. G.(1966)。An Introduction to Positive Economics。Weidenfeld and Nicolson。 | 13. | Chang, Hong-chang(1978)。Peak Load Pricing and Investment Policies of A Nationalized Electric Utility。Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica。 | |