

作者:Dewoskin, Kenneth J.賴瑞和 引用關係
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1.Feng, H. Y.、Shryock, J. K.(1935)。The Black Magic in China Known as Ku。Journal of the American Oriental Society,55(1),1-30。  new window
2.嚴懋垣(1940)。魏晉南北朝志怪小說書錄附考證。文學年報,6,45-72。  延伸查詢new window
3.竹田晃(1965)。干宝試論--晋紀と捜神記の間。東京支那學報,11,23-36。  延伸查詢new window
4.西野貞治(1957)。琱玉集と敦煌石室の類書。人文研究:大阪市立大學文學研究科紀要,8(7),60-69。  延伸查詢new window
5.傅惜華(1944)。六朝志怪小說之存逸。漢學,1,169-210。  延伸查詢new window
6.吉川幸次郎(1963)。Man and the Concept of History in the East。Diogenes,42(11),14-19。  new window
7.Beasley, W. G.、Pulleyblank, E. G.、Nivison, D. S.(1962)。Aspects of Traditional Chinese Biography。Journal of Asian Studies,21(4),457-463。  new window
8.西古登七郎(1975)。五行志と二十卷本搜神記。廣島大學文學部紀要,1,116-127。  延伸查詢new window
9.王瑤(1949)。魏晉小說與方術。學原,2/3,85-110。  延伸查詢new window
10.西野貞治(1953)。搜神記考。人文研究:大阪市立大學文學研究科紀要,4(8),702-719。  延伸查詢new window
11.Schafer, E. H.(19510600)。Ritual Exposure in Ancien China。Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies,14(1/2),131-184。  new window
12.Průšek, Jaroslav(1963)。History and Epics in China and in the West: A Study of Differences in Conception of the Human Story。Diogenes,42(11),20-43。  new window
13.Bodde, Derk(19420200)。Some Chinese Tales of the Supernatural。Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies,6(3/4),338-357。  new window
1.DeWoskin, Kenneth(1974)。The Sou-shen chi and the Chih-kuai Tradition: A Bibliographic and Generic Study(博士論文)。Columbia University。  new window
1.Willek, René、Warren, Austin(1942)。Theory of Literature。New York, Harcourt:Brace and Company。  new window
2.Eliade, Mircea(1959)。Cosmos and History: The Myth of Eternal Return。New York:Harper and Row。  new window
3.Gardner, C. S.(1961)。Chinese Traditional Historiography。Havard University Press。  new window
4.Eberhard, Wolfram、Eberhard, Alide(1968)。The Local Cultures of South and East China。E. J. Brill。  new window
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6.Booth, W. C.(1961)。The Rhetoric of Fiction。Chicago:University of Chicago Press。  new window
7.Han, Yu-shan(1955)。Elements of Chinese Historiography。Hollywood:W. M. Hawley。  new window
8.Jones, C. W.(1947)。Saints' lives and chronicles in early England。Ithaca:Cornell University Press。  new window
9.魯迅(1956)。古小說鉤沉。北京:人民文學出版社。  延伸查詢new window
10.Hightower, James(1966)。Topic in Chinese Literature。Cambridge:Havard University Press。  new window
11.Forsdyke, John(1956)。Greece Before Homer。London:Max Parric。  new window
12.Crump, J. I.(1964)。The Intrigues: Studies of the Chan-kuo-ts' e。Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press。  new window
13.馬念祖(1930)。水經注引書考。上海:中華書局。  延伸查詢new window
14.葛洪(1920)。抱朴子。上海:中華書局。  延伸查詢new window
15.Eberhard, Wolfram(1966)。A History of China。Berkeley:University of California Press。  new window
16.鄭振鐸(1959)。中國俗文學史。臺北:商務印書館。  延伸查詢new window
17.DeGroot, J. J. M.(1982)。The Religious System of China。Leiden:E.J. Bril。  new window
18.Yang Hsien-Yi、Yang, Gladys(1958)。The Man Who Sold a Ghost。Peking:Foreign Language Press。  new window
19.Yang Hsien-Yi、Yang, Gladys(1974)。The Man Who Sold a Ghost。Hong Kong:The Commercial Press。  new window
20.劉業秋(1961)。魏晉南北朝小說。北京:中華書局。  延伸查詢new window
21.Scholes, Robert、Kellogg, Robert(1966)。The Nature of Narrative。Oxford University Press。  new window
1.Wright, Arthur F.(1954)。Biography and hagiography: Hui-chiao's lives of eminent monks。Silver Jubilee Volume of the Zinbun-kagaku Kenkyusyo Kyoto University。Kyoto:Kyoto University。  new window
2.DeWoskin, K. J.(1978)。The Six Dynasties Chih-kuai and the Birth of Fiction。Chinese Narrative: Critical and Theorelical Essays。New Jersey:Princceton University Press。  new window
3.van der Loon, P.(1961)。The Ancient Chinese Chronicles and the Groth of Historical Ideals。Historians of China and Japan。New York:Oxford University Press。  new window
4.van der Loon, P.、Hulsewe, A. F. P.(1961)。Notes on the Historiography of the Han Period。Historians of China and Japan。London:Oxford University Press。  new window
5.Wright, A. F.(1965)。Sui Yang ti: Personality and Stereotype。Confucianism and Chinese Civilization。New York:Atheneum。  new window
6.東方朔(1963)。【十洲記】序。十洲記。臺北:古今文化。  延伸查詢new window
7.勝村哲也(1972)。六朝隋唐の稗史・小説の整理に関する覚書。浄土教の思想と文化:恵谷隆戒先生古稀記念。京都:仏教大学。  延伸查詢new window
8.村松暎(1968)。小說。文學概論。東京:大修館。  延伸查詢new window
9.Lerner, Max、Mims, Edwin(1933)。Literature。Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences。  new window
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