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1.Miller, Merton H.、Modigliani, Franco(1966)。Some estimates of the cost of capital to the electric utility industry, 1954-57。American Economic Review,56(3),333-391。  new window
2.Robichek, A. A.、Myers, S. C.(1966)。Problems in the theory of optimal capital structure。Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,1(2),1-35。  new window
3.Scott, J. H. Jr.(1976)。A Theory of Optimal Capital Structure。Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science,7(1),33-54。  new window
4.Stiglitz, Joseph E.(1969)。A re-examination of the Modigliani-Miller theorem。American Economic Review,59(5),784-793。  new window
5.Brigham, E. F.、Gordon, M. J.(1968)。Leverage, Dividend Policy and the Cost of Capital。Journal of Finance,23(1),85-103。  new window
6.Bosworth, B.(1971)。Patterns of Corporate External Financing。Brookings Papers on Economic Activity,2,253-284。  new window
7.Davonport, M.(1971)。Leverage and the Cost of Capital: Some Tests Using British Data。Economica,38(150),136-162。  new window
8.Eriksson, G.(1980)。The Effects of Taxation on the Firm's Investment and Financial Behavior。The Scandinavian Journal of Economics,82(3),362-377。  new window
9.Feldstein, M. S.、Green, J.、Sheshinski, E.(1978)。Inflation and Taxes in a Growing Economy with Debt and Equity Finance。Journal of Political Economy,86(2),S53-S70。  new window
10.Feldstein, M. S.、Green, J.、Sheshinski, E.(1979)。Corporate Financial Policy and Taxation in a Growing Economy。The Quarterly Journal of Economics,93(3),411-432。  new window
11.Kim, E. H.、Lewellen, W. G.、McConnell, J. J.(1979)。Financial leverage clienteles: Theory and evidence。Journal of Financial Economics,7(1),83-109。  new window
12.Modigliani, F.、Miller, M. H.(1963)。Corporate Income Tax and the Cost of Capital: A Correction。Amdrican Economic Review,53(3),433-443。  new window
13.Weston, J. F.(1963)。A Test of Cost of Capital Propositions。The Southern Economic Journal,30(2),105-112。  new window
14.Baxter, Nevins D.(1967)。Leverage, Risk of Ruin and the Cost of Capital。Journal of Finance,22(3),395-403。  new window
15.Brennan, Michael J.、Schwartz, Edwardo S.(1978)。Corporate Income Taxes, Valuation, and the Problem of Optimal Capital Structure。Journal of Business,51(1),103-114。  new window
16.DeAngelo, Harry、Masulis, Ronald W.(1980)。Optimal Capital Structure under Corporate and Personal Taxation。Journal of Financial Economics,8(1),3-29。  new window
17.Miller, Merton H.(1977)。Debt and Taxes。The Journal of Finance,32(2),261-275。  new window
18.Modigliani, Franco、Miller, Merton H.(1958)。The Cost of Capital, Corporation Finance and the Theory of Investment。American Economic Review,48(3),261-297。  new window
19.Stiglitz, Joseph E.(1972)。Some Aspects of the Pure Theory of Corporate Finance: Bankruptcies and Take-Overs。The Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science,3(2),458-482。  new window
20.Stiglitz, Joseph E.(1973)。Taxation, Corporate Financial Policy, and the Cost of Capital。Journal of Public Economics,2(1),1-34。  new window
21.Flath, D.、Knoeber, C. R.(1980)。Taxes, Failure Costs, and Optimal Industry Capital Structure: An Empirical Test。Journal of Finance,35(1),99-117。  new window
22.Stiglitz, J. E.(1976)。The corporate tax。Journal of Public Economics,5,303-311。  new window
1.Gordon, Myron J.(1962)。The Investment, Financing and Valuation of the Corporation。Homewood, Illinois:Richard D. Irwin。  new window
2.King, M. A.(1977)。Public Policy and the Corporation。London:Chapman and Hall。  new window
3.Bargles, Alexander(1963)。The Effect of Capital Structure on the Cost of Capital。Englewood Cliffs, NJ:Prentice-Hall。  new window
4.葉秋南、Pindyck, R. S.、Rubinfeld, D. L.(1975)。計量經濟模型之設計與應用。臺北:臺灣銀行經濟研究室。  延伸查詢new window
5.Koutsoyiannis, A.(1977)。Theory of Econometrics: An Introductory Exposition of Econometric Methods。Taipei:National Book Company。  new window
6.丁文拯(1975)。財務管理:資金運用經濟學。臺北:大中國圖書公司。  延伸查詢new window
7.Robichek, A. A.、Myers, S. G.(1965)。Optimal Financing Decisions。Englewood Cliffs, N. J.:Prentice-Hall。  new window
8.Johnston, J.、王友釗(1974)。計量經濟學方法。臺北:臺灣銀行經濟研究室。  延伸查詢new window
9.Goode, R.、閻子桂(1972)。公司所得稅。臺北:財政部財稅人員訓練所。  延伸查詢new window
10.Berle, A. A. Jr.、Means, G. C.(1940)。The Modern Corporation and Private Property。New York:Macmillan Company。  new window
11.Dobrovolsky, S. P.(1971)。The Economics of Corporation Finance。New York:McGrow-Hill, Inc。  new window
12.Malkiel, B. G.(1971)。The Debt-Equity Combination of the Firm and the Cost of Capital: An Introductory Analysis。New York:General Learning Press Module。  new window
13.OECD(1974)。Theoretical and Empirical Aspects of Corporate Taxation。Paris:OECD。  new window
1.Durand, D.(1976)。Cost of Debt and Equity Funds for Business: Trends and Problems of Measurement。The Theory of Business Finance: A Book of Readings。New York:Macnillan Publishing。  new window
2.Miller, M. H.(1963)。The Corporation Income Tax and Corporate Financial Policies。Stabilization Policies。Engliwood Cliffs, N. J.:Prentice-Hall Inc.。  new window
3.Smith, D. T.(1970)。Effects of Taxation: Corporate Financial Policy。Graduate School of Business Administration。New York:Maxwell。  new window
4.Tambini, L.(1969)。Financial Policy and the Corporation Tax。Taxation of Income from Capital。Washington, D. C.:The Brookings Institution。  new window
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