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本研究之目的旨在了解父母因素對學生職業成熟的預測情形,並分析學生職業成熟與重要他人影響的關係。經抽取國小、國中、高中、大學等男女學生343名為對象,進行實際的調查與分析後發現:第一,父母因素能有效預測國小學生之職業成熟,即母親管教態度、父親職業水準、母親職業水準、父親教育期望等四變項能有效預測國小學生之職業成熟;第二,就國中樣本言,父母因素不能有效預測其職業成熟;第三,父母因素能顯著的預測高中學生之職業成熟,即父親教育程度、母親職業水準、父親職業水準、母親教育程度等四變項能效預測高中學生之職業成熟;第四,就大學樣本而言,父母因素能有效預測其職業成熟,即父親教育態度、女親管教態度、母親教育程度、親子關係等四變項能有效預測大學學生之職業成熟;第五,學生職業成熟與重要他人影響之關係,就高中樣本言, 兩者具有密切的關係,但就國小、國中、及大學樣本而言,則兩者關係不顯著。
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the predictive value of parental factors in predicting students' career maturity. A sample of 343 male and female students from different level of schools which including elementary school, junior high school, senior high school, and college were individually studied at each level. The findings are as follow: 1. Mother's child-training attitude, father's occupation level, mother's occupation level, father's education expectation are contributed significantly to the prediction of career maturity for the elementary school students. 2. Any single parental factors is not an effective predictor in predicting career maturity of the junior high school students. 3. Father's education level, mother's occupation level, father's occupaion level, mother's education level are significantly contributed to the prediction of career maturity for the senior high school students. 4. Father's education attitude, father's child-training attitude, mother's education level, parent-child relationship are contributed to the prediction of career maturity for the college students. 5. "Effect from significant others" had shown a relationship with career matutity for the senior high school students. Based on the results of this study, it is recommended that (1) parental education should be emphasized, (2) more research on students' career maturlty should be conducted.
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