

題名:解構所有權 : 波、拉崗、德希達、姜森、凌濛初....
作者:廖炳惠王德威 引用關係
主題關鍵詞:解構Edgar Allan PoeJacques LacanJacques DerridaJohnson
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1.Derrida, Jacques、Domingo, Willis(1975)。The Purveyor of Truth。Yale French Studies,52,31-113。  new window
2.Derrida, Jacques(1975)。Le Facteur de la Vérité。Poétique,21,96-147。  new window
3.Lacan, Jacques、Mehlman, Jeffrey(1972)。Seminar on 'The Purloined Letter'。Yale French Studies,48,39-72。  new window
4.增田涉、前田一惠(19810600)。論「話本」一詞的定義(附:王秋桂論「話本」一詞的定義校後記)。中國古典小說研究專集,3,49-68。  延伸查詢new window
5.de Man, Paul(1979)。Introduction。Studies in Romanticism,18,497-498。  new window
6.Derrida, Jacques(1977)。Limited Inc abc...。Glyph,2,162-254。  new window
7.(1966)。Le Séminaire sur 'La Lettre volée'。Ecrits,1,19-75。  new window
8.Lewis, Philip E.(1982)。The Post-Structuralist Condition。Diacritics,12(1),1-24。  new window
9.Mehlman, Jeffrey(1972)。The Floating Signifier: from Lévi-Strauss to Lacan。Yale French Studies,548,10-37。  new window
10.Cain, William E.(1982)。Review of The Critical Difference。Comparative Litarature,34(4),369-371。  new window
11.Lacan, Jacques、Hulbert, James(1977)。Desire and the Interpretation of Desire in Hamlet。Yale French Studies,55/56,11-52。  new window
12.古添洪(19820400)。從雅克慎底語言行為模式以建立話本小說的記號系統--兼讀「碾玉觀音」。中外文學,10(11),148-175。new window  延伸查詢new window
1.Sturrock, John(1979)。Structuralism and Since: From Levi-Strauss to Derrida。Oxford:Oxford University Press。  new window
2.De Man, Paul(1979)。Allegories of Reading: Figural Language in Rousseau, Nietzsche, Rilke, and Proust。Yale University Press。  new window
3.Said, Edward W.(1975)。Beginnings: Intention and method。New York:Basic Books。  new window
4.Bonaparte, Marie、Rodker, John(1949)。The Life and Works of Edgar Allan Poe: A Psycho-Analytic Interpretation。London:Imago。  new window
5.Laplanche, Jean(1976)。Life and Death in Psychoanalysis。Baltimore:Johns Hopkins University Press。  new window
6.Miller, Joseph Hillis(1982)。Fiction and Repetition: Seven English Novels。Cambridge, Massachusetts:Harvard University Press。  new window
7.Lacan, Jasques、Wilden, Anthony(1968)。The Language of the Self: The Function of Language in Psychoanalysis。Baltimore, MD:Johns Hopkins University Press。  new window
8.Descombes, Vincent、Scott-Fox, L.、Harding, J. M.(1980)。Modern French Philosophy。Cambridge University Press。  new window
9.Ricoeur, Paul、Savage, Denis(1970)。Freud and Philosophy: An Essay on Interpretation。Yale University Press。  new window
10.Lacan, Jacques、Sheridan, Alan(1977)。Écrits: A Selection。London:Tavistock Publications。  new window
11.Dreyfus, Hubert L.、Rabinow, Paul(1982)。Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics。Chicago:University of Chicago Press。  new window
12.Derrida, Jacques、Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty(1976)。Of Grammatology。The Johns Hopkins University Press。  new window
13.Culler, Jonathan(1982)。On Deconstruction: Theory and Criticism after Structuralism。Cornell University Press。  new window
14.Irwin, John T.(1975)。Doubling and Incest/Repetition and Revenge: A Speculative Reading of Faulkner。The Johns Hopkins University Press。  new window
15.Derrida, Jacques、Johnson, Barbara(1981)。Dissemination。Chicago, Illinois:University of Chicago Press。  new window
16.Norris, Christopher(1982)。Deconstruction: Theory and Practice。Methuen。  new window
17.Johnson, Barbara(1980)。The Critical Difference: Essays in the Contemporary Rhetoric of Reading。Baltimore, Maryland:Johns Hopkins University Press。  new window
18.Davis, Robert Con(1981)。The Fictional Father: Lacanian Readings of the Text。Amherst:The University of Massachusetts Press。  new window
19.Derrida, Jacques。Signature event context。  new window
20.(1844)。Chambers' Edinburgh Journal。  new window
21.(1845)。The Gift: A Christmas, New Year, and Birthday Present。New York。  new window
22.Poe, Edgar Allan(1958)。The Complete Poems and Stories of Edgar Allan Poe。New York:Knopf。  new window
23.Lacan, Jacques、Miller, Jacques-Alain(1977)。The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis。London:Tavistock。  new window
24.Wilden, Anthony(1980)。System and Structure: Essays in Communication and Exchange。Tavistock。  new window
25.Laplanche, Jean、Pontalis, J.-B.、Nicholson-Smith, D.(1972)。The language of psycho-analysis。London:Hogarth。  new window
26.Turkle, Sherry(1978)。Psychoanalytic Politics: Freud's French Revolution。New York:Basic Books。  new window
27.Tennenhouse, Leonard(1976)。The Practice of Psychoanalytic Criticism。Detroit:Wayne Stale University Press。  new window
28.Hartman, Geoffrey. H.(1978)。Psychoanalysis and the Question of the Text。Baltimore:Johns Hopkins University Press。  new window
29.De Man, Paul(1971)。Blindness and Insight: Essays in the Rhetoric of Contemporary Criticism。Oxford University Press。  new window
30.靜宜文理學院中國古典小說研究中心(1981)。中國古典小說研究專集。臺北:聯經出版事業公司。  延伸查詢new window
31.Derrida, Jacques、Bass, Alan(1982)。Margins of Philosophy。University of Chicago Press。  new window
32.Derrida, Jacques、Bass, Alan(1978)。Writing and Difference。University of Chicago Press。  new window
33.Derrida, Jacques(1981)。Positions。Chicago, IL:University of Chicago Press。  new window
1.Bowie, Malcolm(1979)。Jacques Lacan。Structuralism and Since: From Lévi-Strauss to Derrida。Oxford:Oxford University Press。  new window
2.Miller, J. Hillis(1979)。The Critic as Host。Deconstruction and Criticism。New York:Seabury。  new window
3.Derrida, Jacques(1970)。Structure, Sign, and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences。The Structuralist Controversy。  new window
4.Mehlman, Jeffrey(1980)。Poe Pourri: Lacan's Purloined Letter。Aesthetics Today。New York:Meridian。  new window
5.(1980)。Re-Covering "The Purloined Letter": Reading as a Personal Transaction。The Reader in the Text: Essays on Audience and Interpretation。Princeton:Princeton University Press。  new window
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