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1.Wheaton, William C.(1974)。A Comparative Static Analysis of Urban Spatial Structure。Journal of Economic Theory,9(2),223-237。  new window
2.Quigley, J.(1976)。Housing Demand in the Short Run: An Analysis of Polytomous Choice。Explorations of Economic Research,3(1),76-102。  new window
3.De Leeuw, Frank、Ekanem, Nkanta F.(1971)。The Supply of Rental Housing。American Economic Review,61(5),806-817。  new window
4.Smith, B. A.(1976)。The Supply of Urban Housing。Quarterly Journal of Economics,90,389-405。  new window
5.Dewees, D. N.(1976)。The Effect of a Subway on Residential Property Values in Toronto。Journal of Urban Economics,3(4),357-369。  new window
6.Mohring, H.(1961)。Land values and the measurement of highway benefits。Journal of Political Economy,69,236-249。  new window
7.Arnott, R. J.、Stiglitz, J. E.(1981)。Aggregate Land Rents and Aggregate Transport Costs。The Economic Journal,91,331-347。  new window
8.Ashley, R. N.(1965)。Interchange Development Along 180 Miles of 1-94。Highway Research Record,96。  new window
9.Beckmann, M. J.(1969)。On the Distribution of Rent and Residential Density。Journal of Economic Theory,1(1),60-67。  new window
10.Getz, M.(1975)。A Model of the Impact of Transportation Investments on Land Rents。Journal of Public Economics,4,57-74。  new window
11.Herbert, J. D.、Stevens, B. H.(1960)。A Model for the Distribution of Residential Activity in Urban Area。Journal of Regional Science,2,21-36。  new window
12.Lemley, J. H.(1959)。Changes in Land Use and Value Along Atlanta's Expressways。Highway Research Board Bulletin,277。  new window
13.Lerman, S. R.(1977)。Location, Housing and Automobile Ownership and Mode to Work: A Joint Choice Model。Transportation Research Record,610。  new window
14.Lind, R. C.(1973)。Spatial Equilibrium, the Theory of Rents, and the Measurement of Benefits from Public Programs。Quarterly Journal of Economics,87,188-207。  new window
15.Dines, D.、Weiss, Y.(1976)。Land Improvement Projects and Land Values。Journal of Urban Economics,3,1-13。  new window
16.Wheaton, W. C.(1974)。Linear Programming and Locational Equilibrium: The Herbert-Stevens Model Revisited。Journal of Urban Economics,4,278-287。  new window
17.Mills, Edwin S.(1967)。An Aggregative Model of Resource Allocation in a Metropolitan Area。American Economic Review,57(2),197-210。  new window
1.Domencich, T.、McFadden, D.(1975)。Urban Travel Demand: A Behavioral Analysis。Amsterdam:North-Holland。  new window
2.Mills, E. S.(1972)。Studies in the Structure of the Urban Economy。Baltimore:John Hopkins Press。  new window
3.Alonso, W.(1964)。Location and Land Use。Harvard Press。  new window
4.Muth, Richard F.(1969)。Cities and Housing。Chicago:University of Chicago Press。  new window
5.Anas, A.(1982)。Residential Location Markets and Urban Transportation。Academic Press。  new window
6.Boyce, D. E.、Allen, B.(1973)。Impact of Rapid Transit on Suburban Residential Property Values and Land Development。Philadelphia:Department of Regional Science, University of Pennsylvania。  new window
7.Davis, J. L.(1965)。The Elevated System and the Growth of Northern Chicago。Evanston:Northwestern University。  new window
8.Lerman, S. R.(1977)。The Effect of the Washington METRO on Urban Property Values。Cambridge, MA:Center for Transportation Studies, MIT。  new window
9.Wootan, C. V.、Haning, C. R.(1960)。Changes in Land Values, Land Use and Business Activity Along a Section of the Interstate Highway System in Austin, Texas。Austin, TEX:Texas Transportation Institute。  new window
1.McFadden, D.(1973)。Conditional Logit Analysis and Qualitative Choice Behavior。Frontiers in Econometrics。New York:Academic Press。  new window
2.McFadden, D.(1978)。Modelling the Choice of Residential Location。Spatial Interaction Theory and Planning Models。Amsterdam:North-Holland。  new window
3.Ozanne, L.、Struyk, R.(1978)。The Price Elasticity of Supply of Housing Services。Urban Housing Markets。Toronto:University of Toronto Press。  new window
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