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1.Witkin, H. A.(1950)。Individual differences in ease of perception of embedded figures。Journal of Personality,19,1-15。  new window
2.Witkin, H. A.、Goodenough, D. R.、Karp, S. A.(1967)。Stability of cognitive style from childhood to young adulthood。Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,7(3),291-300。  new window
3.吳靜吉、丁興祥、王敬仁(19790600)。場地獨立性的發展及其相關因素之研究。教育與心理研究,3,118-140。new window  延伸查詢new window
4.Gardner, R. W.(1957)。Field-dependence as a determinant of susceptibility to certain illusions。American Psychologist,12。  new window
5.Newbigging, P. L.(1954)。The relationship between reversible perspective and embedded figures。Canadian Journal of Psychology,8,204-208。  new window
6.Berry, J. W.(1966)。Temne and Eskimo perceptual skills。International Journal of Psychology,1(3),207-229。  new window
7.Karp, S. A.(1963)。Field dependence and overcoming embeddedness。Journal of Consulting Psychology,27,294-302。  new window
8.Cohen, J.(1957)。The factorial Structure of the WAIS between early adulthood and Old Age。Journal of Consulting Psychology,21(4),283-290。  new window
9.Witkin, H. A.(1965)。Psychological differentiation and forms of pathology。Journal of Abnormal Psychology,70,317-336。  new window
10.林邦傑(19821200)。國中學生場地獨立性與具體運思、形式運思之關係。中華心理學刊,24(2),101-110。new window  延伸查詢new window
11.Barclay, A.、Cusumano, D. R.(1967)。Father absence, cross-sex identity, and field-dependent behavior in male adolescents。Child Development,38,243-250。  new window
12.Dawson, J. L. M.(1967)。Cultural and physiological influences upon spatial-perceptual processes in West Africa。International Journal of Psychology,2(2),115-128。  new window
13.Dawson, J. L. M.(1967)。Cultural and Physiological Influences Upon Spatial-Perceptual Processes in West Africa。International Journal of Psychology,2(3),171-185。  new window
14.Gardner, R. W.(1961)。Cognitive controls of attention deployment as determinant of visual illusions。Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology,62,120-127。  new window
15.Jackson, D. N.(1958)。Independence and resistance to perceptual field forces。Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology,56,279-281。  new window
16.Messick, S.、Damarin, F.(1964)。Cognitive styles and memory for faces。Journal of Abnormal and Social Pschology,59,313-318。  new window
17.Witkin, H. A.(1949)。Perception of body position and of the position of the visual field。Psychological Monographs,63(7)=302,1-46。  new window
18.Cohen, J.(1959)。The factorial structure of the WISC at ages 7-6, 10-6, and 13-6。Journal of Consulting Psychology,23,285-299。  new window
1.Bertini, M.(1960)。Traits somatiques aptitudes perceptives traits superieurs de personalite。International Congress of Psychology。Bonn。  new window
1.Witkin, H. A.(1948)。The effect of training and of structural aids on performance in three tests of space orientation。Washington, D.C.:Division of Research, Civil Aeronautics Administration。  new window
1.Jackson, D. N.(1955)。Stability in resistance to field forces(博士論文)。Purdue University。  new window
2.Dershowitz, Z.(1966)。Influences of cultural patterns on the thinking of children in certain ethnic groups: A study of the effect of Jewish subcultures on the field- dependence-independence dimension of cognition(博士論文)。New York University。  new window
3.Fenchel, G. H.(1958)。Cognitive rigidity as a behavior variable manifested in intellectual and perceptual tasks by an outpatient population(博士論文)。New York University。  new window
4.Perez, P.(1955)。Experimental instructions and stimulus content as variables in the size constancy perception of schizophrenics and normals(博士論文)。New York University。  new window
5.Seder, J. A.(1957)。The origin of differences in extent of independence in children: Developmental factors in perceptual field dependence(碩士論文)。Radcliffe College。  new window
1.Goldstein, K. M.、Blackman, S.(1978)。Cognitive Style。John Wiley & Sons, Inc。  new window
2.Messick, S.(1962)。Hidden figure test。Princeton, New Jersey:Educational Testing Service。  new window
3.Neisser, Ulric(1967)。Cognitive psychology。Prentice-Hall。  new window
4.Witkin, H. A.、Dyk, R. B.、Faterson, H. F.、Goodenough, D. R.、Karp, S. A.(1962)。Psychological differentiation。New York:John Wiley and Sons。  new window
5.Witkin, H. A.、Oltman, P. K.、Raskin, Evelyn、Karp, S. A.(1971)。Manual of Group Embedded figures Test。Palo Alto, California:Consulting Psychologists Press, Inc.。  new window
6.Crutchfield, R. S.、Woodworth, D. G.、Albrecht, R. E.(1958)。Perceptual performance and the effective person。Lackland Air Force Base, Tex:Personnel Laboratory。  new window
7.Witkin, H. A.、Lewis, Helen B.、Hertzman, M.、Machover, K.、Meissner, P. B.、Wapner, S.(1954)。Personality through perception。New York, NY:Harper。  new window
1.Shapiro, N. P.(1970)。The effects of perceptual isolation on recall for field-dependent and field-independent subject。  new window
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