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1.Feather, N. T.(1962)。The study of persistence。Psychological Bulletin,59,94-115。  new window
2.劉錦志、陳明終(19800100)。市區和郊區國小學生學業成就與心理特質關係之分析研究。測驗年刊,27,23-31。new window  延伸查詢new window
3.Valecha, G. K.、Ostrom, T. M.(1974)。An abbreviated measure of internal-external locus of control。Journal of Personality Assessment,38(4),369-376。  new window
4.Coopersmith, S.(1959)。A method for determining types of self-esteem。Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology,59,87-94。  new window
5.Hermans, H. J. M.(1970)。A questionnaire measure of achievement motivation。Journal of Applied Psychology,54(4),353-363。  new window
6.Byrne, D.(1961)。The Repression-Sensitization Scale: Rationale, Reliability, and Validity。Journal of Personality,29,334-349。  new window
7.Martens, R.(1971)。Anxiety and motor behavior: A review。Journal of Motor Behavior,3,151-179。  new window
8.蘇建文(19800600)。兒童及青少年焦慮情緒之發展及其相關因素之研究。教育心理學報,13,85-94。new window  延伸查詢new window
9.Shrauger, J. S.、Sorman, P. B.(1977)。Self-evaluations, initial success and failure, and improvement as determinants of persistence。Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology,45(5),784-795。  new window
10.Taylor, Janet A.(1953)。A personality scale of manifest anxiety。The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology,48(2),285-290。  new window
11.Block, J.、Thomas, H.(1955)。Is satisfaction with self a measure of adjustment?。Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology,51(2),254-259。  new window
12.林邦傑(19710500)。國民中學學生學業成就與人格特質關係之研究。國立政治大學學報,23,215-246。  延伸查詢new window
13.Reckless, Walter C.、Dinitz, Simon(1967)。Pioneering with self-concept as a vulnerability factor in delinquency。Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology, and Police Science,58,515-523。  new window
14.Hersch, P. D.、Scheibe, K. E.(1967)。Reliability and validity of internal-external control as a personality dimension。Journal of Consulting Psychology,31(6),609-613。  new window
15.Silbert, E.、Tippett, J. S.(1965)。Self-esteem: Clinical assessment and measurement validation。Psychological Reports,16,1017-1071。  new window
16.Cattell, R. B.、Scheier, I. H.(1958)。The nature of anxiety: A review of 13 multivariate analyses comparing 814 variables。Psychological Reports, Monograph Supplement,5,351-388。  new window
17.Kestenbaum, J. M.、Weiner, B.(1970)。Achievement performance related to achievement motivation and test anxiety。The Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology,34,343-344。  new window
18.O'Neil, J. F.、Spielberger, C. D.、Hansen, D. N.(1969)。The effects of state anxiety and task difficulty on computer-assisted learning。Journal of Educational Psychology,60,343-350。  new window
19.Rappaport, H.、Katkin, E. S.(1972)。Relationships among manifest anxiety, response to stress, and the perception of autonomic activity。Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology,38,219-224。  new window
20.Fitch, G.(1970)。Effects of self-esteem, perceived performance, and choice on causal attributions。Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,16,311-315。  new window
21.Nowicki, S.、Strickland, B. R.(1973)。A locus of control scale for children。Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology,40,148-154。  new window
22.McFarlin, D. B.、Baumeister, R. F.、Blascovich. J.(1984)。On knowing when to quit: Task failure, self-esteem, advice, and nonproductive persistence。Journal of Personality,52(2),138-155。  new window
23.呂勝瑛(19820600)。資優兒童的心理特質之研究。教育與心理研究,5,225-250。new window  延伸查詢new window
24.Penk, W. E.(1969)。Age changes and correlates of internal-external locus of control scale。Psychological Reports,25,856。  new window
25.Watson, D.(1967)。Relationship between locus of control and anxiety。Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,6(1),91-92。  new window
26.McCarthy, J. D.、Hoge, D. R.(1982)。Analysis of age effects in longitudinal studies of adolescent self-esteem。Developmental Psychology,18(3),372-379。  new window
27.楊國樞、柯永河、李本華(1973)。國中學生的心理特質與學業成就。中央研究院民族學研究所集刊,35,41-86。  延伸查詢new window
28.Meadow, K. P.(1969)。Self-image, family climate, and deafness。Social Forces,47,428-438。  new window
29.Jaquish, G. A.、Savin-Williams, R. C.(1981)。Biological and ecological factors in the expression of adolescent self-esteem。Journal of Youth and Adolescence,10(6),473-485。  new window
30.Weiner, B.、Kukla, A.(1970)。An attributional analysis of achievement motivation。Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,15,1-20。  new window
31.Rotter, J. B.(1971)。External control and internal control。Psychology Today,5,37-59。  new window
32.陳李綢(19800600)。教師喜愛學生程度與學生社交地位、成就動機及內外控信念之關係。教育心理學報,13,187-194。new window  延伸查詢new window
33.Ryckman, R. M.、Sherman, M. F.(1973)。Relationship between self-esteem and internal-external control for men and women。Psychological Report,32,1106。  new window
34.Orlofsky, J. L.(1978)。Identity formation, achievement, and fear of success in college men and women。Journal of Youth and Adolescence,7(1),49-62。  new window
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37.郭生玉(19730600)。國中低成就學生心理特質之分析研究。國立臺灣師範大學教育研究所集刊,15,左451-534。  延伸查詢new window
38.Achenbach, T.、Zigler, E.(1963)。Social competence and self-image disparity in psychiatric and nonpsychiatric patients。Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology,67,197-205。  new window
39.Baldo, R.、Harris, M.、Crandall, J.(1975)。Relations among Psychosocial development, locus of control and time orientation。Journal of Genetic Psychology,126,297-303。  new window
40.Baumeister, R. F.、Jones, E. E.(1978)。When self-presentation is constrained by the target's prior knowledge: consistency and compensation。Journal at Personality and Social Psychology,36,608-618。  new window
41.Byrne, D.、Barry, J.、Nelson, D.(1963)。Relation of the repression-sensitization scale to measures of self-description。Psychological Reports,13,323-334。  new window
42.Boshier, R.(1969)。A study of the relationship between self-concept and conservatism。Journal of Social Psychology,77,139-140。  new window
43.Chandler, T. A.、Dugovics, D. A.(1977)。Sex differences in research on locus of control。Psychological Reports,41,47-53。  new window
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45.Chodorkoff, B.(1954)。Adjustment and the discrepancy between the perceived and ideal self。Journal of Clinical Psychology,10,258-266。  new window
46.Cole, C.、Oetting, E. R.、Hinkle, J.(1967)。Non-linearity of self-concept discrepancy: the value dimension。Psychological Reports,21,58-60。  new window
47.Combs, A.、Soper, D.、Courson, C.(1963)。The measurement of self-esteem and self report。Educational and Psychological Measurement,23,493-500。  new window
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49.Cooper, J.、Duncan, B. L.(1971)。Cognitive dissonance as a function of self-esteem and logical inconsistency。Journal of Personality,39,289-302。  new window
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54.Faucheux, C.、Moscovici, S.(1968)。Self-esteem and exploitative behavior in a game against chance and nature。Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,8,83-88。  new window
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56.Finch, A. J.、Nelson, W.(1974)。Locus of control and anxiety in emotionally disturbed children。Psychological Reports,35,469-470。  new window
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61.Harder, D. W.(1984)。Character style of the defensively high self-esteem man。Journal of Clinical Psychology,40(1),26-34。  new window
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65.Katz, P.、Zigler, E.(1967)。Self-image disparity: a developmental approach。Journal of personality and social psychology,5,186-195。  new window
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70.McFarlin, D. B.、Blascovich, J.(1981)。Effects of self-esteem and performance feedback of future affective preferences and cognitive expectations。Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,40,521-531。  new window
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75.O'Malley, P. M.、Backman, J. G.(1979)。Self-esteem and education: sex and chort comparisons among high school seniors。Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,37(7),1153-1159。  new window
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77.Parsons, O. A.、Schneider, J. M.(1974)。Locus of control in university students from eastern and western societies。Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology,42(3),456-461。  new window
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8.謝季宏(1973)。智力、學習習慣、成就動機及家長社會地位與國中學生學業成就之關係(碩士論文)。國立政治大學。  延伸查詢new window
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11.林清財(1984)。青少年自我統整與心理特質關係之研究(碩士論文)。國立政治大學。  延伸查詢new window
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