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1.Galbraith, Jay、Cummings, Larry L.(1967)。An empirical investigation of the motivational determinants of task performance: Interactive effects between instrumentality-valence and motivation-ability。Organizational Behavior and Human Performance,2,237-257。  new window
2.Dachler, H. Peter、Mobley, William H.(1973)。Construct validation of an instrumentality-expectancy-task-goal model of work motivation: Some theoretical boundary conditions。Journal of Applied Psychology Monograph,58,397-418。  new window
3.Latham, G. P.、Yuki, G. A.(1975)。A Review of Research on the Application of Goal Setting in Organizations。Academy of Management Journal,18(4),824-845。  new window
4.House, Robert J.(1971)。A path goal theory of leadership effectiveness。Administrative Science Quarterly,16(3),321-339。  new window
5.Wahba, M. A.、Bridwell, L. G.(1976)。Maslow reconsidered: a review of research on the need hierarchy theory。Orfflnizational Behavior and Human Performance,15,212-240。  new window
6.Matsui, Tamao、Terai, Toshitake(1975)。A cross-cultural study of the validity of the expectancy theory of work motivation。Journal of Applied Psychology,60(2),263-265。  new window
7.Graen, G. B.(1969)。Instrumentality theory of work motivation: Some experimental results and suggested modification。Journal of Applied Psychology,53(2 Pt.2)。  new window
8.Sheridan, John E.、Slocum, John W. Jr.、Min, Byung(1975)。Motivational of Determinants of Job Performance。Journal of Applied Psychology,60(1),119-121。  new window
9.Fleishman, E. A.(1958)。A relationship between incentive motivation and ability level in psychomotor performance。Journal of Experimental Psychology,56,78-81。  new window
10.Ryan, T. A.(1958)。Drives, tasks, and initiation of behavior。American Psychologist,71,74-93。  new window
11.Kesselman, Gerald A.、Hagen, Eileen L.、Wherry, Robert J.(1974)。A factor Analytic Test of the Porter-Lawler Expectancy Model of Work Motivation。Personnel Psychology,27(4),569-579。  new window
12.Greene, Charles N.(1979)。Questions of Causation in the Path-Goal Theory of Leadership。Academy of Management Journal,22(1),22-41。  new window
13.Miron, David、McClelland, David C.(1979)。The Impact of Achievement Motivation Training on Small Business。California Management Review,21(4),13-28。  new window
14.Latham, Gary P.、Dossett, Dennis L.(1978)。Designing incentive plans for unionized employees: A comparison of continuous and variable ratio reinforcement schedules。Personnel Psychology,31(1),47-61。  new window
15.(1973)。At Emery Air Freight: Positive Reinforcement Boosts Performance。Organizational Dynamics,1(3),41-50。  new window
16.(1978)。Productivity Gains From a Pat on the Back。Business Week,1973(Jan.),56-62。  new window
17.Yukl, Gary A.、Latham, Gary P.(1975)。Consequences of Reinforcement Schedules and Incentive Magnitudes for Employee Performance: Problems Encountered in an Industrial Setting。Journal of Applied Psychology,60(3),294-298。  new window
18.Pedalino, Ed、Gamboa, Victor U.(1974)。Behavior Modification and Absenteeism: Intervention in One Industrial Setting。Journal of Applied Psychology,59(6),694-698。  new window
19.Stephens, Tedd A.、Burroughs, Wayne A.(1978)。An Application of Operant Conditioning to Absenteeism in a Hospital Setting。Journal of Applied Psychology,63(4),518-521。  new window
20.Schneier, Craig Eric(1973)。Behavior Modification: Training the Hard-Core Unemployed。Personnel,50(3),65-69。  new window
21.Luthans, Fred、Schweizer, Lason(1979)。How Behavior, Modification Techniques Can Improve Total Organizational Performance。Management Review,1979(Sep.),43-50。  new window
22.Locke, Edwin A.(1977)。The Myths of Behavior Mod in Organizations。Academy of Management Review,2(4),543-553。  new window
23.Gray, Jerry L.(1979)。The Myths of the Myths about Behavior Mod in Organizations: A Reply to Locke's Criticisms of Behavior Modification。Academy of Management Review,4(1),121-129。  new window
24.Locke, Edwin A.(1979)。Myths in "The Myths of the Myths about Behavior Mod in Organizations"。Academy of Management Review,4(1),131-136。  new window
25.House, Robert J.、Mitchell, Terence R.(1974)。Path-goal theory of leadership。Journal of Contemporary Business,3(3),81-97。  new window
26.Locke, Edwin A.(1968)。Toward a theory of task motivation and incentives。Organizational Behavior and Human Performance,3(2),157-189。  new window
27.Korman, Abraham K.(1976)。Hypothesis of Work Behavior Revisited and an Extension。The Academy of Management Review,1(1),50-63。  new window
1.Jones, Edward E.(1972)。Attribution: perceiving the causes of behavior。Morristown, N. J.:General Learning Press。  new window
2.Porter, Lyman W.、Lawler, Edward E. III(1968)。Managerial Attitude and Performance。Homewood, Illinois:Dorsey Press。  new window
3.Lewin, K.(1938)。The conceptual representation and the measurement of psychological forces。Durham, NC:Duke University Press。  new window
4.Lewin, K.(1935)。Dynamic theory of personality。New York:McGraw-Hill。  new window
5.Wexley, Kenneth N.、Yukl, Gary A.(1977)。Organizational behavior and personnel psychology。Richard D. Irwin, Inc.。  new window
6.Skinner, B. F.(1969)。Contingencies of reinforcement: A theoretical analysis。New York:Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc.。  new window
7.David, Keith(1981)。Human Behavior at Work: Organizational Behavior。Grolier Business Library, Grolier Incoppopated。  new window
8.Skinner, B. F.(1955)。Science and Human Behavior。New York:The Macmillan Company:The Free Press。  new window
9.Miller, Lawrence M.(1978)。Behavior Management: The New Science of Managing People at Work。New York:John Wiley & Sons, Inc.。  new window
10.Connellan, Thomas K.(1978)。How to Improve Human Performance: Behaviorism in Business and Industry。New York:Harper & Row。  new window
11.Herzberg, Frederich(1966)。Work and the nature of man。The World Publishing Co.。  new window
12.Atkinson, John William(1964)。An Introduction to Motivation。Van Nostrand。  new window
13.Campbell, John P.、Dunnette, Marvin D.、Lawler, Edward E. III、Weick, Karl E. Jr.(1970)。Managerial Behavior, Performance, and Effectiveness。McGraw-Hill。  new window
14.McClelland, David C.(1961)。The Achieving society。D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc。  new window
15.Herzberg, Frederick、Mausner, Bernard、Snyderman, Barbara Bloch(1959)。The Motivation to Work。John Wiley & Sons, Inc.。  new window
16.Vroom, Victor Harold(1964)。Work and motivation。John Wiley & Sons, Inc.。  new window
17.Maslow, Abraham H.(1954)。Motivation and Personality。Harper & Row。  new window
18.McGregor, Douglas(1960)。The Human Side of Enterprise。McGraw-Hill。  new window
19.Luthans, Fred、Kreitner, Robert(1975)。Organizational Behavior Modification。Glenview, IL:Scott, Foresman。  new window
1.Hammer, W. Clay(1974)。Reinforcement Theory and Contingency Management in Organizational Settings。Organizational Behavior and Management: A Contingency Approach。Chicago:St. Glair Press。  new window
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