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1.陳世驤(19680800)。「八陣圖」圜論。清華學報,7(1),26-53。  延伸查詢new window
2.Feirstein, Frederick(1983)。The Other Long Poem。The Kenyon Review,5(2),52-56。  new window
3.Somer, John(1971)。Unageing Monuments: A Study of W. B. Yeats' Poetry Sequence, A Man Young and Old。Ball State University Forum,12(4),28-36。  new window
1.楊倫。杜詩鏡銓。  延伸查詢new window
2.Read, Herbert(1933)。Form in Modern Poetry。New York。  new window
3.Stauffer, Donald A.(1949)。The Golden Nightingale。New York。  new window
4.Nicolson, Marjorie Hope(1965)。John Milton: A Reader's Guide to His Poetry。New York。  new window
5.Winters, Yvor、Fields, Kenneth(1969)。Quest for Reality: An Anthology of Short Poems in English。Chicago。  new window
6.Coleridge, Samuel Taylor、Shawcross, J.(1907)。Biographia Literaria。London。  new window
7.Croce, Benedetto、Romanell, Patrick(1965)。Guide to Aesthetics。Indianapolis。  new window
8.Mill, John Stuard(1895)。Dissertations and Discussions。Boston。  new window
9.劉勰。文心雕龍。  延伸查詢new window
10.Winters, Yvor(1967)。Forms of discovery: Critical and historical essays on the forms of the short poem in English。Chicago。  new window
11.Hone, J. M.(1962)。W. B. Yeats 1865-1939。London。  new window
12.Yeats, W. B.、Finneran, Richard J.(1983)。The Poems of W. B. Yeats。New York。  new window
13.Jeffares, A. Norman(1966)。W. B. Yeats: Man and Poet。New York。  new window
14.Rosenthal, M. L.、Gall, Sally M.(1983)。The modern poetic sequence: The genius of modern poetry。New York。  new window
15.Ure, Peter(1986)。Towards a Mythology: Studies in the Poetry of W. B. Yeats。Westport。  new window
16.劉熙載、王國安(1978)。藝概。上海古籍出版社。  延伸查詢new window
1.杜甫。上卿翁請修武候廟。  延伸查詢new window
2.杜甫。公安縣憶古。  延伸查詢new window
3.杜甫。聞房相靈櫬歸葬二首。  延伸查詢new window
4.杜甫。赤霄行。  延伸查詢new window
5.杜甫。遣興五首。  延伸查詢new window
6.杜甫。登樓。  延伸查詢new window
7.杜甫。語先主廟。  延伸查詢new window
1.陳世驤(1972)。原興:兼論中國文學特質。陳世驤文存。志文出版社。new window  延伸查詢new window
2.陳世驤(1972)。中國的抒情傳統。陳世驤文存。臺北:志文。  延伸查詢new window
3.Poe, Edgar Allen。The Philosophy of Composition。Edgar Allan Poe: Essays and Reviews。New York。  new window
4.Poe, Edgar Allen。The Poetic Principle。Edgar Allan Poe: Essays and Reviews。New York。  new window
5.朱光潛(1982)。長篇詩在中國何以不發達。詩論新編。臺北:洪範。  延伸查詢new window
6.陳世驤(1972)。中國詩字之原始觀念試論。陳世驤文存。臺北:志文。  延伸查詢new window
7.Eliot, T. S.(1953)。The Music of Poetry。Selected Prose。Middlesex。  new window
8.Mill, John Stuard(1895)。Thoughts on Poetry and Its Variety。Dissertations and Discussions。Boston。  new window
9.朱光潛(1982)。遊仙詩。詩論新編。臺北:洪範。  延伸查詢new window
10.鍾嶸。詩品。文論講疏。臺北:正中。  延伸查詢new window
11.陸機。文賦。文論講疏。臺北:正中。  延伸查詢new window
12.Pound, Ezra(1926)。In a Station of the Metro。Selected Poems。New York。  new window
13.朱光潛(1982)。中西詩在情趣上的比較。詩論新編。臺北:洪範。  延伸查詢new window
14.Milton, John(1977)。Paradise Lost。The Potable Milton。Penguin。  new window
15.Chow, Tse-tsung(1968)。The Early History of the Chinese Word Shih (Poetry)。Wenlin: Studies in the Chinese Humanities。Wisconsin University Press。  new window
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