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本研究的目的在於探討以「電腦系統化」方式呈現的「職業價值澄清活動」,是否能達到協助個體成長,進而協助解決輔導人員缺乏的現象。因此,經由設計、編製、預測,以及正式測試的結果,顯示本電腦化教材似可提供一條途徑,以協助學生澄清自我內在的職業價值觀念;同時,亦可透過測試的結果,提供學校實施職業輔導的參考。 根據初步評估的結果,本研究建議繼續類似的評估活動,不僅將樣本擴及大學部其他年級學生,亦可將國、高中學生納入研究的範圍。此外,設法提升各級學校電腦硬體設備,繼續改善與充實本電腦化教材的軟體設計與教材結構,將是加速國內輔導工具與策略電聰化的有利途徑。
The main purpose of this study is to describe the processes of the computerized work values clarification programs, and provide the test-retest reliability and criterion-related validity to state the effectiveness. In other words, the results comfirm its vsefulness.
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26.Sampson, J. P. Jr.、Stnipling, R. O.(1979)。Strategies for counselor intervention with a computer-assisted career guidance system。Vocational Guidance Quarterly,27(3),230-237。  new window
27.Glaser, B.、Kirschenbaum, H.(1980)。Using values clarification in counselings。The Personnel and Guidance Journal,5,569-574。  new window
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30.Rayman, J. R.、Bryson, D. L.、Bowlsbey, J. M.(1978)。The field trial of DISCOVER: A new computerized interactive guidance system。Vocational Guidance Quarterly,26,349-360。  new window
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2.Katz, Martin R.(1979)。Career decision-making: A computer-based system of interactive guidance and information (SIGI)。Career Counseling: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives。McGraw-Hill Book Company。  new window
3.Impellitterl, J. T.(1969)。The development and cultivation of a pilot computer-assisted occupational guidance program。Research visibility: Guidance and new career。Washington, D. C.:American Vocational Association。  new window
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