

題名:Feminist Scholarship: An International Perspective
作者:Monk, Janice J.
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近廿年。女性主義學者已經開創了一個女性與性別的研究體系,其中包括有科際整合,以及人文或社會科學中的各個領域。這種工作已經成為今日國際性研究的一大特色,有許多觀點與原理原則在其間被大家所共同分享,但彼此間仍舊有個別差異存在。 在此論文中,將介紹許多在研究上廣為女性主義學者所應用的觀點及研究方法,主要以英文出版的文獻為範圍,如此一方面可說明研究的焦點何在,也祈使研究能將反映不同的社會文化脈絡納為必要且固定的工作要項。最後更提出國際性的例子,說明不同的制度體系中,其研究與教學上的運作情形。
For almost two decades, feminist scholars have been creating a body of research on women and gender that is both interdisciplinary and specific to many fields in the social sciences and humanities. This work has become an international enterprise with many shared concepts and principles, but it a1so varies among different contexts. This paper will introduce several concepts and approaches that have wide use and utility in feminist scholarship. It will indicate those areas where research has been most extensive, particularly, though not exclusively, drawing on literature published in English. It will then speculate on how the cu1tural contexts in which the research has been created has shaped the work. Finally, it will provide some examples of the different institutional contexts within which research and teaching on women are being conducted internationally.
1.Agosin, Marjorie(1986)。Whispers and Triumphs: Latin American Women Writers Today。Women's Studies International Forum,9(4),427-433。  new window
2.Tinker, Irene(1986)。Reflections on Forum '85 in Nairobi, Kenya: Voices from the International Women's Studies Community。Signs,11(3),586-589。  new window
3.Smith-Rosenberg, Carroll(1975)。The Female World of Love and Ritual: Relations between Women in Nineteenth-Century America。Signs,1(1),1-30。  new window
4.Ruthchild, Rochelle(1983)。Sisterhood and Socialism: The Soviet Feminist Movement。Frontiers,7(2),4-12。  new window
5.Rosaldo, Michelle Zimbalist(1980)。The Use and Abuse of Anthropology: Reflections on Feminism and Cross-Cultural Understanding。Signs,5(3),389-417。  new window
6.Pollock, Nancy(1981)。Women on the Inside: Divisions of Space in Imperial China。Heresies,11,34-37。  new window
7.Mohanty, Chandra Talpade(1984)。Under Western Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourses。Boundary,2(12/13),333-358。  new window
8.Herman, Ellen、Enloe, Cynthia、Sklar, Holly、Solo, Pam(1987)。Iran/Contragate: A Feminist Conversation。Sojourner,1987(Jan.),20-21。  new window
9.Fagnani, Jeanne(1983)。Women's Commuting Patterns in the Paris Region。Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie,74(1),12-24。  new window
10.Fagnani, Jeanne(1984)。Marital Status and Occupational Structures in the Ile-de-France Region。Urban Studies,21,139-148。  new window
11.Fagnani, Jeanne(1987)。Organisation de l'espace et activite professionnelle des meres: le cas des nouvelles couches moyennes en region Ile-de-Franee。Cahiers de Geographie du Quebec,31(83),225-236。  new window
12.Beneria, Lourdes、Sen, Gita(1981)。Accumulation, Reproduction, and "Women's Role in Economic Development": Boserup Revisited。Signs: Journal of Women and Culture in Society,7(2),279-298。  new window
13.Bonder, Gloria(1986)。Research on Women in Latin America。Feminist Forum,9(2),iii-vi。  new window
14.Dent, David W.、McWilliams, Wayne C.(1986)。What College Students Think about the International Role of the United States: A Six-Nation Study。International Studies Notes of the International Studies Association,12(3),48-55。  new window
1.Beneria, Lourdes(1987)。Comment: Issues in Curriculum Integration。The Wingspread Conference on Integrating Women into International Studies,(會議日期: March 16-18, 1987)。Racine, Wisconsin。  new window
1.Armstrong, M. Jocelyn(1984)。Women's Friendships in the Context of Adaptation to Urban Living: A Malaysian Study。East Lansing, MI。  new window
2.Dickstein, Ruth(1987)。Women in International Studies: A Bibliographic Guide。Tucson, AZ:SIROW。  new window
1.Hayden, Dolores(1984)。Redesigning the American dream: The future of housing, work, and family life。New York:W. W. Norton。  new window
2.Hayden, Dolores(1981)。The Grand Domestic Revolution: A History of Feminist Designs for American Homes, Neighborhoods, and Cities。The MIT Press。  new window
3.Marks, Elaine、de Courtivron, Isbelle(1980)。New French Feminisms: An Anthology。University of Massachusetts Press。  new window
4.Nash, June、Fernández-Kelly, Marla Patricia(1983)。Women, Men, and the International Division of Labor。Albany, NY:State University of New York Press。  new window
5.Stanton, Domna C.(1986)。The Defiant Muse: French Feminist Poems from the Middle Ages to the Present。New York:The Feminist Press。  new window
6.United Nations, Department of International and Social Affairs(1984)。Compiling Social Indicators on the Situation of Women。New York:United Nations。  new window
7.United Nations, Department of International and Social Affairs(1984)。Improving Concepts and Methods for Statistics and Indicators on the Situation of Women。New York:United Nations。  new window
8.Seager, Joni、Olson, Ann(1986)。Women in the World: An International Atlas。London:Pluto Press。  new window
9.Sivard, Ruth(1985)。Women...A World Survey。Washington, DC:World Priorities。  new window
10.National Women's Education Centre(1985)。Women's Studies Programs in Japan。Saitkama-ken:NWEC。  new window
11.Mies, Maria(1982)。The Lace-Makers of Narsapur: Indian Housewives Produce for the World Market。London:Zed Press。  new window
12.Lehmann, Stephen、Sartori, Eva(1986)。Women's Studies in Western Europe: A Resource Guide。Chicago:Association of College and Research Libraries。  new window
13.Leira, Arnaug(1983)。Work and Womanhood: Norwegian Studies。Oslo:Institute for Social Research。  new window
14.Flores, Angel、Flores, Kate(1986)。The Defiant Muse: Hispanic Feminist Poems from the Middle Ages to the Present。New York:The Feminist Press。  new window
15.Fawcett, James、Khoo, Siew-ean、Smith, Peter C.(1984)。Women in the Cities of Asia。Boulder, CO.:Westview Press。  new window
16.Azad, Nandini(1986)。Empowering Women Workers: The W.W.F. Experiment in Indian Cities。Mylapore:Working Women's Forum。  new window
17.Beverly, Allen、Kittel, Muriel、Jewell , Keala(1986)。The Defiant Muse: Italian Feminist Poems from the Middle Ages to the Present。New York:The Feminist Press。  new window
18.Altbach, Edith Hoshino、Clausen, Jeanette、Schultz, Dagmar、Stephan, Naomi(1984)。German Feminism: Readings in Politics and Literature。Albany:State University of New York Press。  new window
19.Berlan, Martine(1987)。Personal communication。  new window
20.Barker, Adele(1987)。Personal communication。  new window
21.Davies, Carole Boyce、Graves, Anne Adams(1986)。Ngambika: Studies of Women in African Literature。Trenton, NJ:Africa World Press, Inc.。  new window
22.Cocalis, Susan L.(1986)。The Defiant Muse; German Feminist Poems from the Middle Ages to the Present。New York:The Feminist Press。  new window
1.Young, Kate(1982)。The Creation of a Relative Surplus Population: A Case Study from Mexico。Women and Development: The Sexual Division of Labor in Rural Societies。New York:Praeger。  new window
2.United Nations Association of the United States of America(1980)。Progress for Half the World's People: The UN Decade for Women。Issues of the 80's。New York:UNA/USA。  new window
3.Stafford, Beth(1986)。Kvindervrouwenstudies: Women's Studies in Western Europe。Women's Studies in Western Europe: A Resource Guide。Chicago:Association of College and Research Libraries。  new window
4.Ortner, Sherry B.、Whitehead, Harriet(1981)。Introduction: Accounting for Sexual Meanings。Sexual Meanings: The Cultural Construction of Gender and Sexuality。Cambridge, MA:Cambridge University Press。  new window
5.Rosaldo, Michelle Zimbalist(1974)。Woman, Culture and Society: A Theoretical Overview。Woman, Culture and Society。Stanford:Stanford University Press。  new window
6.Nash, June(1986)。A Decade of Research on Women in Latin America。Women and Change in Latin America。South Hadley, MA:Bergin & Garvey。  new window
7.Ortner, Sherry B.(1974)。Is Female to Male as Nature is to Culture?。Woman, Culture and Society。Stanford, CA:Stanford University Press。  new window
8.Lamphere, Louise(1987)。Feminism and Anthropology: The Struggle to Reshape our Thinking About Gender。The Impact of Feminist Research in the Academy。Bloomington, IN:Indiana University Press。  new window
9.Grisworld, Robert L.(1988)。Anglo Women and Domestic Ideology in the American West in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries。Western Women: Their Land, Their Lives。Albuquerque:University of New Mexico Press。  new window
10.Khatib-Chahidi, Jane(1981)。Sexual Prohibitions, Shared Space and Fictive Marriages in Shi'ite Iran。Women and Space: Ground Rules and Mental Maps。New York:St. Martin's Press。  new window
11.Dixon, Ruth(1981)。Jobs for Women in Rural Industry and Services。Invisible Farmers: Women and the Crisis in Agriculture。Washington, DC:U.S. Agency for International Development。  new window
12.Showalter, Elaine(1985)。Feminist Criticism in the Wilderness。The New Feminist Criticism: Essays on Women, Literature and Theory。New York:Pantheon Books。  new window
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