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1.Rubin, Reva(1970)。Cognitive style in pregnancy。American Journal of Nursing,70(3),502-508。  new window
2.Rubin, Reva(1977)。Binding-in in the postpartum period。Maternal-Child Nursing Journal,6(2),67-76。  new window
3.Rubin, Reva(1961)。Basic maternal behavior。Nursing Outlook,9(11),683-686。  new window
4.Rubin, Reva(1967)。Attainment of the maternal role: Part I: Processes。Nursing Research,16(3),237-245。  new window
5.余玉眉(1980)。田野研究法之介紹。護理雜誌,27(1),11-21。  延伸查詢new window
6.Rubin, R.(1976)。Maternal task in pregnancy。MCN Journal,4(3),143-153。  new window
7.Chao, Yu Y. M.(1979)。Cognitive Operations During Maternal Role Enactment。Maternal-Child Nursing Journal,8(4),211-274。  new window
8.Chodil, Judith、Williams, Barabara(1970)。The Concept of Sensory Deprivation。Nursing Clinics of North America,5(3),453-465。  new window
9.Kikuchi, J. F.(1980)。Assimilative and accommodative responese of Mothers to their newborn infants with congenital defects。Maternal-Child Nursing Journal,9,141-291。  new window
10.LeCompte, Margaret D.、Goetz, Judith Preissle(1982)。Problems of reliability and validity in ethnographic Research。Review of Educational Research,52,31-60。  new window
11.Rubin, Reva(1972)。Fantasy and objet constancy in maternal relationship。Maternal-Child Nursing Journal,1(2),101-111。  new window
12.Rubin, Reva(1964)。The Family-Child relationship and nursing care。Nursing Outlook,12,36-39。  new window
13.Stainton, Colleen M.(1985)。The Fetus: A growing member of the family。Family Relations,34,321-326。  new window
1.Deutsch, Helen(1944)。The Psychology of Women: A Psychoanalytic Interpretation。New York, NY:Grune and Stratton。  new window
2.路君約、黃啓炎(1984)。心理學。中國行為科學出版社。  延伸查詢new window
3.洪碧霞、黃瑞煥、陳婉玫(1984)。認知心理學。復文書局。  延伸查詢new window
4.Forgus, Ronald H.、Melamed, Lawrence E.(1976)。Perception: A cognitive-stage approach。New York:McGraw-Hill Book。  new window
5.Clark, A. L.、Affonso, D. D.(1979)。Childbearing: A Nursing Perspective。Philadelphia:F. A. Davis Co.。  new window
6.Balton, Neil(1977)。Concept Formation。New York:Pergaman Press。  new window
7.Brunner, Jerome S.、Goodnow, Jacqeline J.、Austin, George A.(1966)。A Study of Thinking。New York:Science Editions。  new window
8.Rubin, Reva(1984)。Maternal Identity and the Maternal Experience。Springer Publishing Company, Inc.。  new window
9.Barry, Patricia D.(1984)。Psychosocial Nursing Assessment and Intervention。J. B. Lippincott Co.。  new window
10.Guyten, Arthur C.(1982)。Textbook of Medical Physiology。W. B. Saunders Company。  new window
11.Piaget, Jean(1974)。The Construction of Reality in the Child。New York:Basic Books, Inc。  new window
12.Piaget, Jean(1952)。The Origins of intelligence in Children。New York:International University Press, Inc。  new window
13.楊國樞(1977)。社會及行為科學研究法。臺北:東華書局。new window  延伸查詢new window
1.Berelson, B.(1954)。Content Analysis。Hand book of Social Psychology。Cambridge, Mass:Addison-Wesley。  new window
2.余玉眉(1981)。產婦對新生兒之認同行為。國立台灣大學醫學院護理學系成立二十五週年專刊。  延伸查詢new window
3.Jessner, Lucie、Weigert, Edith、Foy, James L.(1970)。The Development of Parental Attitudes During Pregnancy。Parenthood its psychology and psychopathology。Little Brown and Company Inc。  new window
4.Peretz, David(1970)。Development Object Relationships and Loss。Loss and grief: psychological management in medical practice。Columbia University Press。  new window
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