

作者:楊美華 引用關係
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Periodicals cancellation is a potential problem, because removal of titles may adversely affect interest groups who in turn can create serious problems for the library’s decision makers. Although there has been a variety of journal use studies and techniques reported in the literature, the generation collection and analysis of the data from these studies involve cumbersome, labor-intensive techniques which result in high costs. The model used by Feng Chia University Library approachs serials cancellation based on four factors: subscription price, utilization analysis, subjective professional judgment, and interlibrary loan requests. This deselection model was felt to be of value since it provided a systematic, multifaceted approach to determine the worth of a journal. This model can provide the quantitative evaluation as well as qualitative evaluation.
1.盧非易(1985)。期刊評量橫式之建立及其評量結果之分析。書府,6,103-112。  延伸查詢new window
2.Segal, Judith A.(1986)。Journal Deselection: A Literature Review and an Application。Science Technology Librarian,6,25-42。  new window
3.Line, Maurice B.(1978)。Rank lists based on citations and library uses as indicators of journal usage in individual libraries。Collection Management,2(4),313-316。  new window
4.林麗雲(19851100)。逢甲大學學生利用圖書館狀況調查報告。逢甲學報,18,139-184。  延伸查詢new window
5.Kraft, Donald H.、Polacsek, Richard A.(1978)。A Journal-Worth Measure for a Journal-Selection Decision Model。Collection Management,2(2),129-140。  new window
6.Agumanu, Joan N.(1986)。Serials in Third World Academic and Research Libraries。The Serials Librarian,11(1),55-61。  new window
7.Heroux, Marlene、Fleishauer, Carol(1978)。Cancellation Decisions: Evaluating Standing Orders。Library Resources & Technical Services,22(4),368-379。  new window
8.Miller, Ruth H.、Guilfoyle, Marvin C.(1986)。Computer Assisted Periodicals Selection: Structuring the Subjective。The serials Librarian,10(3),9-22。  new window
9.Osburn, Charles B.(1984)。The Place of the Journal in the Scholarly Commumications System。LRTS,28,315-324。  new window
10.Fry, Bernard M.、White, Herbert S.(1979)。Impact of Economic Pressure on American Libraries and Their Decisions Concerning Scholarly and Research Journal Acquisition and Retention。Library Acquisitions,3,171。  new window
11.Gellatly, Peter(1978)。Debits and a Few Credits: Can Serials Prices be Controlled?。Illinois Libraries,60,98-112。  new window
12.Horn, Judith G.、Lenzini, Rebecca T.(1985)。Price Indexes for 1985: U. S. Periodicals。Library Journal,110,57。  new window
13.Blake, Monica(1986)。Journal Cancellations in Unirersity Libraries。The Serials Librarian,10,75。  new window
14.Maxin, Jacqueline A.(1976)。Weeding Journals with Informal Use Statistics。De-Acquisitions Librarian,1(2),9-11。  new window
15.Wenger, Charles B.、Childress, Judith(1977)。Journal Evaluation in a Large Research Library。Journal of the American Society for Information Science,28(5),293-299。  new window
16.Paul, S. K.、Nemeyer, C. A.(1975)。Book Marketing and Selection: Selected Findings from the Current AAP/ALA Study。Publishers Weekly,207,42-45。  new window
17.Kraft, Donald H.(1976)。Journal Selection Decisions: A Biomedical Operation's Research Model I, The Framework。Bulletion of the Medical Library Association,64,255-264。  new window
18.White, Hethert S.(1976)。Publishers, Libraries, and Costs of Journal Subscription in Times of Funding Retrenchment。Library Quarterly,46,371。  new window
19.Baughman, James C.(1974)。Structural Analysis of the Literature of the Sociology。Library Quarterly,44,305。  new window
20.Russon, D.、Taylor, P. J.(1983)。Sources of References for Interlibrary Loan Request。Interlending and Document Supply,11,58-60。  new window
21.蔣篤蒂(1984)。大學圖書館期刊淘汰模式--教員與館員選擇之比較。書府,5,91。  延伸查詢new window
22.Depew, John N.、Basu, Santi(1986)。The Application of Bradford's Law in Selecting Periodicals on Conservation and Preservation of Library Materials。Collection Management,8,55-64。  new window
23.Neame, Laura(1986)。Periodicals Cancellation: Making a Virtue Out of Necessity。The Serials Librarian,10,33-42。  new window
24.Wang, John K. C.(1979)。Selection of Periodicals: A Cognitive Statistical Approach。Journal of Library & Information Science,5,17-24。  new window
25.Trueswell, Richard W.(1968)。Some Behavioural Patterns of Library Users, The 80/20 Rule。Wilson Library Bulletin,14,458。  new window
26.Johnson, Carol A.、Trueswell, Richand W.(1978)。The Weighted Criteria Research Libraies, An Approach to Journal Selection。College and Research Libraies,3,287-292。  new window
27.方仁(19811100)。期刊資料中心。圖書館學刊. 輔大,10,15-35。  延伸查詢new window
28.Keffard, Brian、Line, Maurice(1982)。Core Collections of Journals for National Interleading Purposes。Interlending Review,10,35。  new window
29.Clarke, A.(1981)。The Use of Serials at the British Library Lending Division, 1980。Interlending Review,9,111-117。  new window
30.王梅玲(19840600)。「圖書館期刊使用研究」之介紹。書府,5,71-78。  延伸查詢new window
31.王梅玲(19860300)。期刊選購與刪除決策模式之建立與應用。教育資料與圖書館學,23(3),301-323。new window  延伸查詢new window
32.Broude, Jeffrey(1978)。Journal Deselection in an Academic Environment: A Comparison of Faculty and Library Choices。The Serials Librarian,3,147-166。  new window
1.Broadus, Robert N.(1973)。Selecting Materials for Libraries。New York:H. W. Wilson。  new window
2.王梅玲(1985)。國立臺灣大學工學院聯合圖書室期刊使用研究。臺北:王梅玲。  延伸查詢new window
3.Lancaster, Frederick Wilfred(1977)。The Measurement and Evaluation of Library Services。Washington, D.C.:Information Resources Press。  new window
4.黃世雄(1986)。現代圖書館系統綜論。台北市:臺灣學生。new window  延伸查詢new window
5.Osborn, Andrew D.(1973)。Serial Publications: Their Place and Treatment in Libraries。Chicago:American Library Association。  new window
6.Bradford, S. C.(1948)。Documentation。Crosby Lockwood & Son。  new window
1.White, Herbert S.(1981)。Strategies and Alternatives in Dealing with the Serials Management Budget。Serials Collection Development: Choices and Strategies。Ann Arbor, MI:Pierian Pr.。  new window
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