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28.Benhabib, J.、Day, R. H.(1982)。A Characterization of Erratic Dynamics in the Overlapping Generations Models。Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control,4,37-55。  new window
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30.Solow, Robert Merton(1956)。A Contribution to the Theory of Economic Growth。The Quarterly Journal of Economics,70(1),65-94。  new window
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1.King, R.、Plosser, C.、Stock, J.、Watson, M.(1987)。Stochastic Trends and Economic Fluctuations。National Bureau of Economic Research Inc.。  new window
2.Day, R. H.、Lin, T. Y.(1986)。Irregular Fluctuations and Comparative Policy Dynamics in the Keynesian Regime。University of Southern California。  new window
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2.Jeffery, R. L.(1953)。The Theory of Functions of a Real Variable。Toronto:University of Toronto Press。  new window
3.Hicks, J.(1950)。A Contribution to the Theory of Trade Cycle。Oxford:Claredon Press。  new window
4.Guckenheimer, J.、Holmes, P.(1983)。Nonlinear Oscillations, Dynamical Systems and Bifurcation of Vector Fields。New York:Springer-Verlag。  new window
1.Barro, R. J.(1981)。The Equilibrium Approach to Business Cycles。Money, Expectations, and Business Cycles。New York:Academic Press。  new window
2.Woodford, M.(1988)。Imperfect Financial Intermediation and Complex Dynamics。Economic Complexity: Chaos, Sunspots, Bubbles, and Nonlinearity。Cambridge:Cambridge University Press。  new window
3.Solow, R. M.(1987)。Comments。Macroeconomics and Finance。Cambridge:MIT Press。  new window
4.Romer, P. M.(1987)。Crazy Explanation for the Productivity Slowdown。NBER Macroeconomics Annual。Cambridge:MIT Press。  new window
5.Modigliani, F.(1987)。Life Cycle, Individual Thrift, and the Wealth of Nations。Macroeconomics and Finance。Cambridge:MIT Press。  new window
6.McCallum, B. T.(1987)。Real Business Cycle Models。Handbook of Modern Business Cycle Theory。  new window
7.Day, R. H.、Lin, T. Y.。A Keynesian Business Cycle。Economic Dynamics and Financial Instability。  new window
8.Dana, R. A.、Malgrange, P.(1984)。The Dynamics of a Discrete Version of a Growth Cycle Model。Analysing the Structure of Economic Models。Hague:Martinus Nijhoff。  new window
9.Ando, A.、Kennickell, A. B.(1987)。Life Cycle in Micro Data-United States and Japan。Macroeconomics and Finance。Cambridge:MIT Press。  new window
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