

作者:張四立 引用關係簡美瑟 引用關係
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1.Milgrom, Paul R.、Weber, Robert J.(1982)。A Theory of Auctions and Competitive Bidding。Econometrica,50(5),1089-1122。  new window
2.Feldstein, M. S.(1972)。The Pricing of Public Intermediate Goods。Journal of Public Economics,1,45-72。  new window
3.梁啟源(19870400)。邁向合理化之油價政策。臺灣經濟預測,18(1),71-77。  延伸查詢new window
4.王金利(19870900)。臺灣地區石油產品需求與其價格變動之研究。臺灣銀行季刊,38(3),1-33。new window  延伸查詢new window
5.Diamond, P. A.、Mirrlees, J. A.(1971)。Optimal Taxation and Public Production I: Production Efficiency。American Economic Review,61(1),8-27。  new window
6.Diamond, P. A.、Mirrlees, J. A.(1971)。Optimal Taxation and Public Production I: Production Efficiency and II: Tax Rules。American Economic Review,61(3),261-278。  new window
7.王金利(19880500)。申論油價應否反映成本。臺灣經濟預測與政策,19(1),45-53。new window  延伸查詢new window
8.Boskin, M. J.、Robinson, M. S.(1985)。New Estimates of the Value of Federal Mineral Rights and Land。American Economic Review,75(5),923-936。  new window
9.Feldstein, M. S.(1972)。Distributional equity and the optimal structure of public prices。American Economic Review,62(1/2),32-36。  new window
10.曾正權、林茂文(19870900)。臺灣地區住宅部門能源消費與選擇模式之研究。臺灣銀行季刊,38(3),238-251。new window  延伸查詢new window
11.朱敬一、陳凱俐(19880300)。反映成本之油價訂定方式的探討。社會科學論叢,36,341-354。  延伸查詢new window
12.Auerbach, A.(1983)。Corporate Income Taxation in the U. S.。Brooking Papers on Economic Activity,2,451-505。  new window
13.Boskin, M. J.、Robinson, M. S.(1985)。Energy Taxes and Optimal Tax Theory。Energy Journal,6,1-15。  new window
14.Dasgupta, P.、Stiglitz, J.(1971)。Differential Taxation. Public Production and Economic Efficiency。Review of Economic Studies,38,151-174。  new window
15.Feldstein, M. S.(1972)。Equity and Efficiency in Public Pricing。Quarterly Journal of Economic,88,175-189。  new window
16.Garnaut, R.、Clunies, R. A.(1975)。Uncertainty, Risk Aversion and the Taxing of Natural Resource Projects。Economic Journal,85,272-287。  new window
17.Gravelle, J.(1982)。Effects of the 1981 Depreciation Revisions on the Taxation of Income From Business Capital。National Tax Journal,35(1),1-20。  new window
18.McDonald, S. L.(1961)。Percentage Depletion and the Allocation of Resources: The Case of Oil and Gas。National Tax Journal,19,323-326。  new window
19.McDonald, S. L.(1961)。The Non-Neutrality of Corporate Income Taxation: A Reply to Professor Steiner。National Tax Journal,19,101-104。  new window
20.Milgrom, P. R.、Weber, R. J.(1982)。The Value of information in a Sealed-Bid Auction。Journal of Mathematical Economics,10,105-114。  new window
21.Reece, D. K.(1979)。Alternative Bidding Mechanisms for offshore Petroleum Leases。Bell Journal of Economics,10,659-669。  new window
22.Steiner, P. O.(1963)。The Non-Neutrality of Corporate Income Taxation-with and Without Percentage Depletion。National Tax Journal,16,238-251。  new window
23.Steiner, P. O.(1964)。Rejoinder to McDonald。National Tax Journal,17,105-109。  new window
24.Weinstein, M.、Zeckhauser, R.(1975)。The Optimal Consumption of an Exhaustible Resource。The Quarterly Journal of Economics,89,317-392。  new window
1.張四立(1987)。兼願效率與公平的能源訂價法則--福利經濟取向91-104。  延伸查詢new window
2.Harberger, A. C.(1961)。The Tax Treatment of Oil Exploration。The Second Energy Institute。Washington. D. C.:The American University。256-269。  new window
1.Wright, B. D.(1976)。The Taxation of Petroleum Production(博士論文)。Harvard University。  new window
1.Bohi, D. R.(1981)。Analyzing Demand Behavior: A Study of Energy Elasticities。Baltimore, MD:John Hopkins Press。  new window
2.梁啟源(1987)。臺灣經濟模型之研究。中央研究院經濟研究所。  延伸查詢new window
3.Brannon, J. M.(1975)。Studies in Energy Tax Policy。Cambridge, Mass.:Ballinger。  new window
4.Dasgupta, P. S.、Heal, G. M.(1979)。Economic Theory and Exhaustible Resources。Welwyn:Nisbet Cambridge。  new window
5.Stiglitz, J. E.(1975)。The Efficiency of Market Prices in Long Run Allocations in the Oil Industry。Brannon。  new window
1.中油企劃處(1983)。石油產品動態經濟計畫模式。  延伸查詢new window
2.Maskint, E.,Newberry, D.(1979)。Rational Expectations With Market Power: The Paradox of the Disadvantageous Tariff on Oil,Warwick。  new window
3.Newbery, D.(1975)。There Is No Optimal Tariff on Oil-- A Paradox in Tax Theory,Stanford University。  new window
1.Brown, E. C.(1984)。Business-Income Taxation and Investment Incentives。Employment and Public Policy, Essays in Honor of Alvin H. Hansen。New York:Norton。  new window
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