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1.Spriggs, A. I.(1965)。Oriental Porcelain in Western Paintings 1450-1700。Transaction of the Oriental Ceramics Society,36,73-87。  new window
2.PERZYNSK, F.(1910)。Towards A Grouping of Chinese Transitional Porcelain。Burlington Magazine,17。  new window
3.PERZYNSK, F.(1911)。Towards A Grouping of Chinese Transitional Porcelain。Burlington Magazine,22。  new window
4.Jenyns, Soame(1955)。The Waxes of the Transitional Period Between The Ming and the Qing, 1620-1683。Archives of the Chinese Art Society of America,9,25。  new window
5.Medley, Magarcte(1987)。Ming-Qing Transition in Chinese Porcelain。Arts Asiatique,42,65-76。  new window
6.劉蘭華(1981)。康熙朝青花瓷器分期。故宮博物院院刊,1981(3)。  延伸查詢new window
7.葉佩蘭(1982)。康熙朝暗花邊飾青花瓷器。故宮博物院院刊,1982(7),47-48+96。  延伸查詢new window
8.Butler, Michael(1983)。Chinese Porcelain at the end of the Ming。Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic Society,48,41。  new window
9.Feuerwerker, Albert(1958)。From Feudalism to Capitalism。Journal of Asian Studies,8。  new window
10.徐文琴(1988)。Social and Economic Factors in the Porcelain Industry in Jingde Zheng During the Late Ming and Early Qing Period。Journal of the Poyal Asiatic Society,1,135-159。  new window
11.堅尼斯(1962)。The Chinese Ko-Sometsuke and Shonsui Wares。Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic Society,34。  new window
12.史惠芬(1981)。介紹幾件清代順治青花瓷器。文物,1981(6),87-88。  延伸查詢new window
13.葉佩蘭(1979)。清代順治青花瓷器。故宮博物院院刊,1979(2),74-75。  延伸查詢new window
14.Themes, Fictional(1986)。On Chinese Transitional Porcelain and Their Sources of Decoration。Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities,58。  new window
15.Clunas, Craig(1981)。The Western Chamber: A Literary Theme in Chinese Porcelain Decoration。Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic Society。  new window
1.(1983)。Representation of fictional themes on Chinese transitional porcelain (1620-ca.1683), with special reference to The Romance of the Western Chamber(博士論文)。倫敦大學。  new window
1.周蕪(1984)。徽派版畫史論集。合肥:安徽人民出版社。  延伸查詢new window
2.南京大學歷史系明清史研究室(1981)。明清資本主義萌芽研究論文集。上海:上海人民出版社。  延伸查詢new window
3.鄭振鐸(1932)。插圖本中國文學史。樸社。  延伸查詢new window
4.謝國楨、牛建強(1980)。明代社會經濟史料選編。福州:福建人民出版社。  延伸查詢new window
5.陳萬鼐(1966)。元明清劇曲史。臺北:中國學術著作獎助委員會。  延伸查詢new window
6.Hobson(1923)。The Wares of the Ming Dynasty。倫敦。  new window
7.矣斯莫尼博物館(1981)。Eastern Ceramics, and Other Works of Art From the Collection of Gerald Rectifier。倫敦。  new window
8.Littl, Stephen(1983)。Chinese Ceramics of the Transitional Period: 1620-1683。紐約。  new window
9.江西省輕工業廳陶磁研所(1959)。景德鎮陶磁史稿。  延伸查詢new window
10.宋應星(1955)。天工開物。臺北:中華書局。  延伸查詢new window
11.Harrisso, Barbara(1981)。Kraakporselein Leeuwarden。  new window
12.Kyoto Shoin Co. Ltd.(1977)。Ko-Sometsuke。京都。  new window
13.Cahill, James(1981)。Shadows of Mt. Huang: Chinese Painting and Printing of the Anhui School。Berkeley。  new window
14.(1962)。飲流齊說瓷。臺北。  延伸查詢new window
15.王安祁(1869)。明代傳奇之劇場及其藝術。臺北:學生書局。  延伸查詢new window
16.王利器(1981)。元明清三代禁燬小說劇曲史料。上海。  延伸查詢new window
17.久志卓真(1968)。明初陶磁圖鑑。東京。  延伸查詢new window
18.Lovell, Hin-Cheung(1981)。Transitional Wares and Their Forerunners。Hong Kong:The Oriental Ceramic Society of Hong Kong。  new window
19.Sheaf, Colin、Kiburn, Richard(1988)。The Hatcher Porcelain Cargoes: The Complete Record。Oxford:Phaidon-Christies。  new window
20.中國人民大學中國歷史教研室(1957)。中國資本主義萌芽問題討論集。北京:生活‧讀書‧新知三聯書店。  延伸查詢new window
21.王大錯、鈍根、燧初(1980)。戲考:顧曲指南。里仁書局。  延伸查詢new window
22.張庚、郭漢城(1981)。中國戲曲通史。北京:中國戲劇出版社。  延伸查詢new window
1.陳詩啟(1957)。明代的工匠制度。中國資本主義萌芽問題討論集。北京。  延伸查詢new window
2.Saito, K.(1959)。Ko-Sometsuke。陶磁全書。  延伸查詢new window
3.陳瀏(1963)。陶雅。陶磁譜錄。臺北。  延伸查詢new window
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