

題名:電刺激對人體股四頭肌肌力之影響: 個案研究
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1.Selkowitz, D. M.(1985)。Improvement in isometric strength of the quadriceps femoris muscle after training with electrical stimulation。Physical Therapy,2,186-196。  new window
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3.Cabric, M.、Apell, H. J.、Resic, A.(1988)。Fine structural changes in electrostimulated human skeletal muscle: evidence or predominant effects on fast muscle fibers。European Journal Applied Physiology and Occupation Physiology,57(1),1-5。  new window
4.Currier, D. P.、Petrilli, C. R.、Threlkeld, A. J.(1986)。Effect of graded electrical stimulation on blood flow to healthy muscle。Physical therapy,66(6),937-943。  new window
5.Currier, D. P.、Mann, R.(1983)。Muscular strength development by electrical stimulation in healthy individuals。Physical Therapy,63,915-921。  new window
6.Delitto, A.、Brown, M.、Strube, M. J.、Rose, S. J.、Lehman, R. C.(1989)。Electrical stinwlation of quadriceps femoris in an elite weight lifter: a single subject experiment。International Journal of Sports Medicin,10(3),187-191。  new window
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8.Greathouse, D. G.、Nitz, A. J.、Matulionis, D. H.、Currier, D. P.(1986)。Effects of Short-term electrical stimulation on the ultrastructure of rat skeletal muscel。Physical therapy,66(6),946-953。  new window
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10.Houston, M. E.、Farrance, B. W.、Wight, R.(1982)。Metabolic effects of two frequencies of shortterm surface electrical stimulation on human muscle。Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology,60,727-731。  new window
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12.Hubiak, R. J.、Whitman, K. M.、Johnston, R. M.(1987)。Chamges in quadriceps femoris muscle strength using isometric exercise versus electrical stimulation。Journal of Orthopaedic Sports Physical Therapy,18(11),537-541。  new window
13.Larghman, R. K.、Youdas, J. W.、Garrett, T. R.、Choao, E. Y.(1983)。Strength changes in the normal quadriceps femoris muscle as a result of electrical stimulation。Physical Therapy,63,494-499。  new window
14.Nobbs, L. A.、Rhodes, E. S.(1986)。The effect of electrical stimulation and isokmetic evcrcisc on muscle power of the quadriceps femoris。Journal of Orthopaedic and Sposts Physical Therapy,8(5),260-268。  new window
15.Romero,J. A.、Sanford, T. L.、Schroeder, R. V.、Fahey, T. D.(1982)。The effects of electrical stimn-lation of normal quadriceps on strength and girth。Mediein and Seience in Sport and Exercise,14(3),194-197。  new window
16.Williams, R. A.、Morrissey, M. C.、Brewster, C. E.(1986)。The effect of electrical stimulation on quadriceps strength and thigh circumference in meniscectomy patients。Journal Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy,8(3),143-146。  new window
17.Yates, J. W.、Kamon W.(1983)。A Comparison of Reak and Constant Angle Torque-Velocity Curves in Fast and Slow-Twitch Populations。European Tournal Applied Physiology,51,67-74。  new window
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1.Sale, D. G.(1989)。Neural adaptation in strength and power training。Human muscle power。Champaign, IL:Human Kinetics。  new window
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