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2.Beck, C. L.、Gargiulo, R. M.(1983)。Burnout in teachers of retarded and nonretarded children。Journal of Educational Research,76(3),169-173。  new window
3.Dunham, J.(1981)。Disruptive pupils and teacher stress。Education Research,23(3),205-213。  new window
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5.Abelson, A. G.(1986)。A factor-analytic study of job satisfaction among special educators。Educational and Psychological Measurement,46(1),37-43。  new window
6.Barrow, J. C.、Prosen, S. S.(1981)。A model of stress and counseling interventions。Personnel and Guidance Journal,60(1),5-10。  new window
7.Bensky, J. M.、Shaw, S. F.、Gouse, A. S.、Bates, H.、Dixon, B.、Bean, W. E.(1980)。Public law 94-142 and stress: a problem for educators。Exceptional Children,47(1),24-30。  new window
8.Cooper, C. L.、Marshall, J.(1976)。Occupation sources of stress: A review of the literature relating to coronary heart disease and mental ill health。Journal of Occupational Psychology,49(1),11-18。  new window
9.Daley, M. R.(1979)。Preventing worker burnout in child welfare。Child Welfare,58(4),443-450。  new window
10.Feitler, F. C.、Tokar, E.(1982)。Getting a handle on teacher stress: How bad is the problem?。Educational Leadership,39(6),456-458。  new window
11.Fimian, M. J.(1982)。What is teacher stress?。The Clearing House,56,101-105。  new window
12.Fimian, M. J.(1987)。Alternate-forms and alpha reliability of the teacher stress inventory。Psychology in the Schools,24,234-236。  new window
13.Freudenberger, H. J.(1977)。Burn-out: Occupational hazard of the child care worker。Child Care Quarterly,6(1),90-98。  new window
14.Jameson, S. A.(1980)。Distress signals。School and Community,66(1),17-19。  new window
15.Kyricaou, C.、Stucliffe, J.(1978)。Teacher stress: Prevalence, Sources and symptoms。British Journal of Education Psychology,48(2),159-167。  new window
16.Kyriacou, C.(1980)。Coping actions and occupational Stress among school teacher。Research in Education,24(1),57-61。  new window
17.Mattingly, M.(1977)。Sources of stress and bum-out in professional child care work。Child Care Quarterly,6,127-137。  new window
18.Moracco, J.、McFaddden, H.(1982)。The counseler's role in reducing teacher stress。Personnel and Guidance Journal,61,549-552。  new window
19.Pines, A.、Kafry, S.(1978)。Occupational tedium in the social services。Social Work,23(4),499-507。  new window
20.Pratt, J.(1978)。Perceived stress among teachers: The effects of age and background of children taught。Educational Review,32(1),3-14。  new window
21.Schuler, R. S.(1977)。The effects of role perceptions on employee satisfaction and performance moderated by employee ability。Organizational Behavior & Human performance,18(1),98-117。  new window
22.Weiskopf, P. E.(1980)。Burnout among teachers of exceptional children。Exceptional Children,47(1),18-23。  new window
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1.Fass, L. A.(1984)。Stress producing factors and their effects on learning disabilities Specialists, regular educators, and other special educators。Annual Convention of the Association for Children and Adults with Learning Disabilities, 21st。New Orleans, LA。  new window
1.教育部(1987)。中華民國教育統計。  延伸查詢new window
1.周立勳(1986)。國小教師工作壓力、控制信念與職業倦怠關係之研究(碩士論文)。國立高雄師範大學,高雄市。  延伸查詢new window
2.劉淑慧(1987)。助人工作者職業倦怠量表之編製與調查研究(碩士論文)。國立台灣教育學院。  延伸查詢new window
3.McIntyre, T. C.(1981)。An invertigation of the relationships among burnout, locus of: control, and selectted personal/proffessional factors in special education teachers(博士論文)。University of Connecticut。  new window
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1.郭生玉(1986)。心理與教育研究法。臺北:精華書局。  延伸查詢new window
2.吳武典、張正芬(1987)。台灣地區特殊教育暨殘障福利機構簡介。台北:國立台灣師範大學特殊教育中心。  延伸查詢new window
3.林清山(1986)。心理與教育統計學。台北市:東華書局。  延伸查詢new window
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5.Arnold, M. B.(1960)。Emotion and Personality。New York:Columbia University press。  new window
6.Everly, G. S. Jr.、Rosenfeld, R.(1981)。The nature and treatment of the stress respose。New York:Plenum Press。  new window
1.Beerian, D. A.(1985)。Special educator absenteeism as a function of selected characteristics。  new window
2.Gold, R. J.(1982)。The relationship between stress, Job involvement and teacher absenteeism。  new window
3.Murphy, M.(1986)。Comparison of burnout in special education teacher and teachers of regular education in Anchorage, alasks。  new window
4.Tompkins, P. A. L.(1980)。An examination of stress and anxiety in teacher of handicapped and non-handicapped children。  new window
1.吳聰賢(1978)。態度量表的建立。社會及行為科學研究法。台北:東華書局。  延伸查詢new window
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