

作者:林寶貴錡寶香 引用關係
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1.張正芬、吳武典、蔡崇建(19850600)。哥倫比亞心理成熟量表(CMMS)之修訂及其相關研究。特殊教育研究學刊,1,65-83。new window  延伸查詢new window
2.Rittenhouse, R. K.(1981)。The effect of instructional manipulation on the cognitive performance of normal-hearing and deaf children。Journal of Childhood Communcation Disease,5(1),14-22。  new window
3.李興唐(1986)。非語文和文化公平測驗。心理測驗通訊,創刊號,3。  延伸查詢new window
4.胡秉正(1986)。作業測驗、非語文測驗、非語文測驗辨異。心理測驗通訊,創刊號,2。  延伸查詢new window
5.黃堅厚(1964)。瑞文氏非文字推理測驗之應用。測驗年刊,11,20-23。  延伸查詢new window
6.賴保禎(1986)。傳統智力測驗能測量先天能力嗎?。心理測驗通訊,創刊號,3。  延伸查詢new window
7.Berlinsky, S.(1952)。Measurement of the intelligence & personality of the deaf A review of the literature。Journal of Speech & Hearing Disorders,17(1),39。  new window
8.Birch, J. R.、Stuckless, E. R.、Birch, J. W.(1963)。An eleven-year study of predicting school achievement in young deaf children。American Annals of the deaf,108,236-240。  new window
9.Blair, F.(1957)。A study of the visual memory of deaf & hearing children。American annals of the deaf,102,254-263。  new window
10.Furth, H. G.(1971)。Linguistic deficiency and thinking: Research with deaf subjects, 1964-1969。Psychological Bulletin,76(1),58-72。  new window
11.Hiskey, M. S.(1956)。A study of the intelligence of deaf and hearing。American Annals of the Deaf,101(4),329-339。  new window
12.Iran-Nejad, A.、Ortony, A.、Rittenhouse, R.(1981)。The comprehension of figurative uses of English by deaf children。Journal of Speech and Hearing Research,24,551-556。  new window
13.Myklebust, H.、Brutton, M.(1953)。A study of visual perception in deaf children。Acta oto-laryngologica, Supplementurn,105,35。  new window
14.Olsson, J. E.、Furth, H. G.(1966)。Visual memory-span in the deaf。American Journal of Psychology,79,480-484。  new window
15.Pintner, R.、Patterson, D.(1916)。A measurement of the language ability of deaf children。Psychol. Review,23,413-436。  new window
16.Pintner, R.、Reamer, J.(1920)。A mental and educational survey of schools for the deaf。American Annals of the deaf,65,277-300。  new window
17.Rittenhouse, R.(1979)。Conservation interrogation of deaf and normal hearing children。Journal of Children Communication Disorders,3(2),120-127。  new window
18.Rittenhouse, R.、Morreau, L.、Iran-Nejad, A.(1932)。Metaphor and conservation in deaf and hard of hearing children。American Annals of the deaf,126(4),450-453。  new window
19.Rosenstein, J.(1961)。Perception, cognition and language in deaf children。Exceptional Children,27(3),276-284。  new window
20.Vernon, M.(1968)。Fifty years of research on the intelligence of deaf and hard of hearing children: review of literature and discussion of implications。Journal of Rehabilitation of the Deaf,1,1-12。  new window
21.林寶貴、張小芬、林幸台(19881200)。國小聽覺障礙兒童「柯氏方塊組合能力測驗」之修訂及其相關研究。特殊教育季刊,29,8-11。new window  延伸查詢new window
22.張蓓莉(19810600)。聽覺障碍學生之智力結構。師大學報,26,333-352。new window  延伸查詢new window
23.張蓓莉(19810700)。臺北市聽覺障碍學童之智力結構。特殊教育季刊,2,24-31。new window  延伸查詢new window
24.Oléron, P.(1951)。Pensée conceptuelle de sourds-muets et dentendants dans des epreuves de classement mulitiple。L'Annee Psychologique,51。  new window
25.林寶貴、李真賢(19870600)。聽覺障礙學生國語文能力之研究。教育學院學報,12,1-29。new window  延伸查詢new window
26.林寶貴、張小芬(19880600)。聽覺障礙學生瑞文氏非文字推理測驗常模之建立及其相關之研究。特殊教育學報,3,29-67。new window  延伸查詢new window
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1.錡寶香(1989)。聽覺障礙學生國語文能力測驗之編製及其相關研究(碩士論文)。國立彰化師範大學。  延伸查詢new window
2.Frisina, R.(1955)。A psychological study of the mentally retarded deaf child(博士論文)。Northwestern University。  new window
1.馮觀富(1986)。瑞文氏智力測驗指導手冊。臺灣省國民學校教師研習會。  延伸查詢new window
2.吳武典、張正芬(1984)。國語文能力測驗指導手冊。國立臺灣師範大學特殊教育中心。  延伸查詢new window
3.教育部社會教育司(1981)。中華民國特殊教育概況。教育部社會教育司。  延伸查詢new window
4.Myklebust, H. R.(1966)。The psychology of deafness。New York:Grune & Stratton。  new window
5.Kirk, S. A.、Gallagher, J. J.(1986)。Educating exceptional children。Boston:Houghton Mifflin。  new window
6.何華國(1987)。特殊兒童心理與教育。五南圖書出版公司。  延伸查詢new window
7.Pintner, R.、Eisenson, J.、Stanton, M.(1941)。The psychology of the physical handicapped。NY:F. S. Crofts。  new window
8.Piaget, J.(1952)。The origins of intelligence in children。New York, NY:Norton。  new window
9.Wechsler, D.(1944)。The measurement of adult intelligence。Baltimore:Williams & Wilkins。  new window
10.Binet, A.、Simon, T.、Kite, E.(1973)。The development of intelligence in children (the Binet-simon Scale)。NY:Arno Press。  new window
11.Piaget, Jean(1950)。The Psychology of Intelligence。New York, NY:Harcourt Brace。  new window
12.郭為藩(1987)。特殊兒童心理與教育。文景書局。  延伸查詢new window
13.孫邦正、鄒季婉(1969)。心理與教育測驗。台灣商務印書館。  延伸查詢new window
14.Quigley, S. P.、Kretschmer, R. E.(1983)。The education of deaf children。Baltimore:University Park Press。  new window
15.林寶山、洪儷瑜(1986)。高級瑞文氏圖形補充測驗指導手冊。國立高雄師範學院特殊教育中心。  延伸查詢new window
16.黃金源(1985)。簡易學前聽覺障礙兒童智力測驗。省立台東師範專科學校。  延伸查詢new window
17.陳明終、許勝哲、吳清山、林天佑(1988)。我國心理與教育測驗彙編。復文書局。  延伸查詢new window
18.Aiken, L. K.(1982)。Psychological testing & assessment。Boston:Allyn & Bacon。  new window
19.Day, H.、Fusfeld, I.、Pintner, R.(1928)。A survey of American schools for the deaf, 1924-25。Washington, DC:National Research Council。  new window
20.Furth, H. G.(1973)。Deafness and learning, A psychological approach。Belmont, CA:Wadsworth Publishing。  new window
21.(1972)。Annual survey of hearing impaired children and youth。Washington, DC:Office of Demographic Studies, Gallaudet College。  new window
22.Kohs, S. C.(1923)。The Block-Design Test。Chicago:C. H. Stoelting。  new window
23.Moores, D. F.(1982)。Educating the deaf-psychology, principles, practices。Boston:Houghton Mifflin Company。  new window
24.Raven, J. C.(1960)。Guide to the Standard, Progressive Matrices, Sets A. B. C. D. and E.。  new window
25.Terman, L.(1916)。The measurement of intelligence。Boston:Houghton Mifflin Company。  new window
26.國立台灣師範大學教育心理學系特殊教育中心(1979)。魏氏見童智力量表。中國行為科學社。  延伸查詢new window
27.陳榮華、吳武典(1977)。數學能力測驗指導手冊。國立台灣師範大學特殊教育中心。  延伸查詢new window
28.陳榮華(1982)。特殊兒童的教育診斷。正中書局。  延伸查詢new window
29.Myklebust, H. R.(1960)。The psychology of deafnes。New York:Grune & Stratton。  new window
30.郭生玉(1985)。心理與教育訓練。台北:精華書局。  延伸查詢new window
1.黃金源(1979)。瑞文氏圖形補充測驗聾生常模。省立台中啟聰學校聾啞教育專輯。  延伸查詢new window
2.陸莉(1981)。瑞文氏彩色圖形智力測驗。國小常用心理與教育測驗彙編。台北市政府教育局。  延伸查詢new window
3.中野善達(1988)。動作性檢查による聽覺障礙兒の知的能力評價の試み。聽覺障害リハビリテーショ研究。筑波大學心身障害學系。  延伸查詢new window
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