

作者:莫寄屏董安琪 引用關係
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     本文的主旨在分析 「生產體系國際化」以後的生產效率問題。文中提出一個「雙重擴展貿易理論」,其綱要為:當世界由一群自給自足的封閉經濟體形成一個整合的生產系統時--即生產國際化時--世界生產可能集合(world production possibilities set,簡稱WPPS)將作兩次擴張。這兩次擴張對映了兩層經濟意義。第一層次的擴張是在生產過程中「投入產出的互補性」,第二個層次是在「生產組織的國際化」。此二擴張不僅有其深厚之理論根據,亦有極顯見之實證意義。聯盟生產模型(coalition production theory)在此之意義亦有二:其生產模式為投入產出,正可用來闡述投入產出互補性,此其一。最佳生產組織乃由決策者內生決定,此其二。在傳統國貿理論中,國際貿易之利益(gains from trade)及多國企業之原由,似是二不相干之課題,但在此生產模式之架構下,我們劫可得到一統合看法。本研究強調生產,而傳統國貿理論強調消費。二者基本上是相輔相成的。
     This paper analyzes the production efficiency of an integrated world production system. A "double expansion" theory of trade is presented ,which explains how the world production possibilities set (WPPS)expands twice as autarchic economies are integrated into a single production system. The first expansion results from input-output com-plementarity, which is realized through producers' trade. The second expansion is due to extension of the set of optimal coalition structures ,which, in the integrated case, is allowed to contain coalitions consisting of multinational agents. The use of coalition production theory here is twofold: (1) production is specified in terms of input-output technology, whichis ideal for expounding the notion of input-output complementarity. (2) the optimal production organization is endogenously determined. More generally, coalition production theory affords us a unified view towards two seemingly unrelated topics: gains from trade and the basis of multinational enterprises.
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