

題名:美國聯邦準備1979-1982 年公開市場操作程序下借入準備需求之決定因素
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1.Stock, James H.、Watson, Mark W.(1988)。Testing for Common Trends。Journal of the American Statistical Association,83(404),1097-1107。  new window
2.Cook, T.(1989)。Determinants of the Federal Funds Rate: 1979-1982。Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond: Economic Review,75,3-19。  new window
3.Sims, Christopher A.(1980)。Comparison of Interwar and Postwar Business Cycles: Monetarism Reconsidered。American Economic Review,70(2),250-257。  new window
4.Phillips, Peter C. B.、Ouliaris, Sam(1990)。Asymptotic properties of residual based tests for cointegration。Econometrica,58(1),165-193。  new window
5.Goodfriend, Marvin(1983)。Discount Window Borrowing, Monetary Control, and the PoBt October 6, 1979 Federal Reserve Operating Procedure。Journal of Monetary Economics,12,343-356。  new window
6.Goodfriend, Marvin(1986)。Monetary Mystique: Secrecy and Central Banking。Journal of Monetary Economics,17,63-92。  new window
7.Phillips, P. C. B.、Ouliaris, S.(1987)。Testing for Cointegration Using Principal Components Methods。Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control,12,205-230。  new window
8.Spindt, Paul、Tarhan, Verfa(1987)。The Federal Reserve's New Operating Procedures: A Post Mortem。Journal of Monetary Economics,19,107-123。  new window
9.Poole, William(1982)。Federal Reserve Operating Procedures: A Survey and Evaluation of the Historical Record since October 1979。Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking,14(4),575-596。  new window
10.Granger, C. W. J.(1981)。Some Properties of Time Series Data and Their Use in Econometric Model Specification。Journal of Econometrics,16(1),121-130。  new window
11.Engle, Robert F.、Yoo, Byung Sam(1987)。Forecasting and Testing in Co-Integrated Systems。Journal of Econometrics,35(1),143-159。  new window
12.Johansen, Søren(1988)。Statistical Analysis of Cointegration Vectors。Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control,12(2/3),231-254。  new window
13.Sims, Christopher A.(1980)。Macroeconomics and Reality。Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society,48(1),1-48。  new window
14.Engle, Robert F.、Granger, Clive W. J.(1987)。Co-integration and Error Correction: Representation, Estimation, and Testing。Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society,55(2),251-276。  new window
1.Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System。Federal Reserve Bulletin。  new window
2.Cook, Timothy(1989)。Determinants of the Federal Funds Rate: 1979-1982。Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond。  new window
3.Fackler, James S.、Parker, Randall E.(1990)。Accounting for the Great Depression: A Historical Decomposition。  new window
4.Goodfriend, Marvin(1981)。Discount Window Borrowing, Monetary Control, and the Post October 6, 1979 Federal Reserve Operating Procedure。  new window
1.Tsai, Annie(1991)。A Model for Borrowed Reserves under the 1979-1982 Nonborrowed Reserves Operating Procedures of the United States Federal Reserve System(博士論文)。University of Kentucky。  new window
1.Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System(1981)。New Monetary Control Procedures。Washington, D. C.。  new window
2.Hadjimichalakis, Michael G.(1984)。The Federal Reserve, Money, and Interest Rates: The Volcker Years and Beyond。New York:Praeger Publishers。  new window
3.Johansen, Soren、Juselius, Katarina(1988)。Hypothesis Testing for Cointegration Vectors with an Application to the Demand for Money in Denmark and Finland。Institute of Mathematical Statistics, University of Copenhagen。  new window
4.Granger, C. W. J.、Newbold, P.(1986)。Forecasting Economic Time Series。New York:Academic Press。  new window
1.Feinma, Joshua N.(1990)。Secrecy, Signalling and the Implementation of Monetary Policy,Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System。  new window
2.Sternligh, Peter D.(1979)。Notes for Seminar on New Approach to Open Market Operations,Federal Open Market Committee。  new window
3.Volcker, Paul A.(1980)。The New Federal Reserve Technical Procedues for Controlling the Money,The Joint Economic Committee。  new window
1.Bernanke, Ben S.(1986)。Alternative Explanations of the Money-Income Correlation。Real Business Cycles, Real Exchange Rates and Actual Policies。  new window
2.Keir, Peter(1981)。Impact of Discount Policy Procedures on the Effectiveness of Reserve Targeting。New Monetary Control Procedures, Vol. 1. Federal Reserve Staff Study。Washington, D.C.:Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System。  new window
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